Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Islamic Terror In Oklahoma?

The suicide by bomb of Joel Hinrichs, a student at Oklahoma University, has received little mention in the media since it occurred on October 1st. But now the Northeast Intelligence Network is claiming that he was part of an Islamic terrorist cell, and that he was apparently attempting to detonate his bomb inside the university football stadium when it went off prematurely.

There are also unconfirmed reports that Hinrichs dorm room was found to contain Islamic literature. This case is now being investigated by the FBI. It would seem that we narrowly escaped a major disaster here, without it getting any serious attention in the press. I've been wondering if and when Al Queda would strike in the US again. Now we have the answer.

Oklahoma was also the scene of the bombing of the Murrah Building. That may be a coincidence, but it seems odd.


Anonymous said...


I wondered about the same thing.

I have family down there and a lot of people in that state still believe that there was a connection between McVeigh and Islamic terrorists.

They wonder if John Doe was just such a man.

I will try to find the name of the OKC reporter who did a series of articles on this angle.

Stranger things have happened.

I really liked the book, Reading Lolita in Tehran. The author [whose name escapes me right now] is in her fifties. She talks about the fact that she was part of the radical movement while studying in the US back in the 70's. She went to Oklahoma University.

I do recommend that book for an inside look at the Iran of the mullahs.

MeaninglessHotAir said...

I read about the bombing the other day on Instapundit. It doesn't seem to have made it into the local fishwrap. Why not?? This really disturbs me, more perhaps than the fact that it happened. Whether he was Islamic or not is in doubt, but that it happened isn't. I mentioned it to two people here at work and neither of them had any idea anything had happened.