Monday, December 05, 2005

Dr. Sanity: WYSIWYG

There's a reason she's called 'Dr Sanity':
Bush does not pretending to be intellectually superior and can easily make fun of himself. Nor does it seem to matter much to him that everyone doesn't totally adore him. He tackles hard problems head on (which most politicians lack the courage to do) and perseveres in trying to fix them. He indeed "muddles along", misspeaks, and even screws up from time to time; but he presses on and actually gets things done.

That is what matters most to me.

He has achieved far more in the 5 years of his presidency (which still has 3 years to go) than either his father or Bill Clinton did in 12 years.


Anonymous said...

People say Bush went into Iraq for power or money..but the truth is he could have made his own life a lot easier by letting this cup pass.

But he did not.

Syl said...

When I got up today and turned on the tv to see 'if the world was still there' I saw Bush giving a speech.

I decided I want him as our President for another 8 years after his term is up.

I find him an amazing man. It's the Republicans in Congress that are driving me nuts.

Syl said...

Oh, and btw my Joe calls Bush the quintessential American.

He's right.

As is Dr. Sanity.

Politicians just don't know how to deal with such a person.

Anonymous said...


Gale says Bush is a real American. I guess that is the same thing.

Maybe that is what some people hate about him, he is too American.

Anonymous said...

He gets up early in the morning, gets where he's going on time, and goes to bed early at night. He is disciplined.

The biggest mistaken he made in Iraq--one never on anybody's list--was dithering around waiting for UN permission before launching the invasion. It gave Saddam too much time to make plans.

Rick Ballard said...


Would the Brits have come along without the UN farce?