Wednesday, January 04, 2006

I have a proposition

In an effort to avoid more problems such as those posed by George Soros and Abramoff, how about the media donate air time to the campaigns?

There could be a money limit on outside money so that members of Congress [of both parties] do not feel the need to prostitute themselves to raise funds to run for office every couple of years.

This is getting out of hand and the media has not enough damage lately, maybe it is time they did something for their country, unless of course they bottom line is all they care about.


Anonymous said...

It's always about the bottom line in business. If the TV networks pay the governmnet for a broadcast license, then it should include X amount of hours for political ads, presidential speeches, etc.

On the other hand, I say kill McCain-Feingold and let anybody donate any anmount of money to political parties, and outlaw donations (of any kind including free use of corporate jets, etc.) to individual candidates.

Anonymous said...

Gingrich says they should do away with all fund raising in DC.

And Pelosi has asked the Democrats to come back early and work on their own reform package.

The Repbulicans had better get out front on this.

flenser said...

The whole Abramoff story is a non-starter. It's being played up by the media because they think they can use it against the GOP. But so far I have seen no evidence of any wrongdoing by any Congressman, D or R.

But I'll offer a reform suggestion. Ban all donations from PAC's, unions, and corporations. Limit the amount an individual can give to some low figure, say $10,000. Allow an individual to donate to a limited number on entities - for example, you can give money to someone running for office only in your own district.

Of course, this would kill the Democratic party. That is why I suggested it, and why they will never allow it. But it would be a good PR move for the Republicans to bring it up for a vote. It would be priceless to watch the Democrats in the Senate filibuster such a bill.

Mind you, it's probably unconstitutional, but that has never stopped Congress before.

flenser said...

One other thing - ban union's from engaging in politics. The unions spent a quarter-billion (BILLION!) to defeat Ahnuld's ballot initiatives in California recently.

Anonymous said...


Those are all good suggestions.

I think the problems is getting people to obey the laws and Gingrich had one point that I think bears remembering: how will conservatives react to this? He thinks the Democrats are more tolerant [of their own ofcourse]