Saturday, January 14, 2006

Now we know things went badly for the Democrats last week.

Bob Beckel, who can generally be depended upon to defend practically any Democrat position, any time — which is his job, to be fair — just said on Fox News that Teddy Kennedy has become "a caricature of himself" and that it's "time for someone else to assume the mantle."

It's just possible that the CAP thing, and the Alito hearings, have been the end of Teddy Kennedy as a real force in national politics.


buddy larsen said...

"And, has thou slain the Jabberwock?
Come to my arms, my beamish boy!
O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!"
He chortled in his joy.

Rick Ballard said...

Interesting. The shilling for Ms. Village Commissar in Sheeps Clothing has begun. Beckel is a good point man on this. An excellent liar and slippery as an eel in a cesspool. Right next to Lanny Davis in that regard and much better than Begala or Emmanuel.

It's about time for some retirement announcements from both sides. I still doubt that we'll see Kennedy's amongst them even though it appears that he has lost most of his competent staff members.

buddy larsen said...

Staff, Kennedy brought his Bork hatchet-man out of retirement for Alito's planned chop. Oops! Times have changed!

Anonymous said...

I never thought I would say this but Beckel is right.

In fact if someone like Governor Warner or Ford from Tenn could start getting out front for the Democrats, they might have a shot at a comeback.

buddy larsen said...

Warner and Ford remind me of moderate palestinians--"watch it with that 'progress' sh*t, buster, or your own party will roll you."

buddy larsen said...

Beckel is a likeable guy, and Fox is damn fair & balanced to feature him so highly. Rick is right, he's a great advocate for the moonies--but he doesn't use the tactic of being so repulsive that you just walk away from the debate. Must be that good Fox example.

buddy larsen said...

He HAS to stay in the game--otherwise someone might ask for a senate hearing on the "Big Dig".

Anonymous said...

Isn't it something how some of these old boys can hang on?

Strom Thurmon, Jesse Helms and on the other side Byrd and Kennedy. I spend a fair amount of time with old guys and it kind of worries me.

MeaninglessHotAir said...


Isn't it something how some of these old boys can hang on?

That's why we need term limits in the Senate.

cf said...

Beckel's right(so's Rick for that matter) but I think Ted will be impossible to dislodge.In fact, the future of that family as a political force is on the skids. Even RFK has trouble getting powder puff interviews on the environment to which he flies on his magic private plane.

buddy larsen said...

How to afford your own magic jet!