Sunday, February 05, 2006

See point #2

Frank Martin (Varifrank) makes four very interesting points. Here's point #2:
Point #2. Is it possible that the protests have nothing to do with "cartoons" but everything to do with Iran getting sent to the Security Council? These cartoons were 6 months old, all of a sudden, just this week, it suddenly becomes such an issue that has resulted in death and distruction around the world.

In my opinion, these protests are nothing but a loaded gun that has been laid on the table of every European Government and the mesage is clear:

"Back off Iran, or we will set your cities aflame".

These protests are angry and they are aimed not at generating sympathy or seeking redress from the population at large for a "wrong that must be righted", that is not the message on those placards.

They want blood. They want to be clear to anyone watching that they are dangerous, for that is their clearly stated message. You dont words like "Slay", Butcher" and "exterminate" if your interested in changing government policy. The use of violent public protest is on a par with the suicide bomber, its a weapon we havent quite figured out how to fight, and the Islamists know this. We assign automatic virtue to any protest and the Islamists also know this.

In my opinion, this is no more about "Blasphemous Cartoons" than the reichstag fire was about the German Communist Party.

See also point 4.


Anonymous said...


This may be but it also says, Look at us we are nuts, give us nukes...

That kind of thing can work both ways.

Specter said...

Check out the artcle by Scott Johnson on PowerLine. It points out that there seems to be an awful lot of Danish flags floating around the Middle East. Imagine that - just walk into any store and buy a Danish flag. Something seems fishy in the Middle East.....Where did all these flags and photo-ops come from?

Charlie Martin said...

Yeah, isn't that interesting, Specter?

Specter said...

I bet I'd have a hard time finding a Danish flag here in the states - even at the "evil" Wal-mart.....LOL. Of course there places selling hundreds of them in the Middle East....LOL

Anonymous said...

I just read Jack Kelly's article I saw on Real Clear Politics and it dawned on me that Syria might be trying to hide some weapons. Get people all worked up to cover their own behinds.

Jack Kelly says that on Feb. 17 there will be a press conference on recently translated Iraqi tapes which will make some people take notice.

I wonder.

Specter said...

lol...makes up for all that cheese they lost sales in....Probably sold them the kerosene too...