Friday, June 09, 2006

TIME regrets the error

I do not know what happened at Haditha, but it seems a lot of other folks know a lot less than they said they did. flopping Aces has a round up on Haditha which includes some retractions by Time.

If Murtha has unjustly accused the wrong men, will he still get the leadership position he covets in House? I think not.


truepeers said...

Wow, there's a cartoon that really nails it!

Rick Ballard said...

Murtha has graced the halls of Congress for thirty years. His quest for a leadership position is either a manifestation of very late blooming or incipient Alzheimers. One of those choices is definitely more likely than the other.

Anonymous said...



ex-democrat said...

as i said the other day - those who condemned our marines based on insufficient evidence - i.e. all those who condemned our marines - are traitors, pure and simple.

moreover, their treachery cannot be redeemed even if what they presumed to be true is eventually shown to be true.

buddy larsen said...

Good point, ex-dum...i mean, ex-dem (I can joke, because I grew up on Time Magazine--devoured every word, for years, until about the 2000 election or so--it's a wander I dint turn out a idoit).

Rick Ballard said...


I just thought of another possibility - the Dems have a Fantasy Leadership League going and Murtha was mumbling about his position on that team.

buddy larsen said...

You can bet your bottom dollar ole Zarkawi would've supported Murtha.