Sunday, November 05, 2006

Real Clear Politics - News - Mid Term Elections - Elections 2008 - Opinion - Commentary - TIME

Real Clear Politics - News - Mid Term Elections - Elections 2008 - Opinion - Commentary - TIME: "The 12 regulars on Chris Matthews' weekend program just unanimously predicted that Democrats would take the House. The fact that this group of elite insiders is so universally convinced of the GOP's demise might actually be taken as a sign of hope for Republicans, given the DC chattering class's reliance on conventional wisdom often bears an inverse relationship to reality."


loner said...

Democrats pick up 20+ in the House and 4+ in the Senate. Nothing I've seen this weekend leads me to think any differently either way.

I'll be reading you from time to time (depending on how things go with the new computer,) but I won't be commenting again until sometime late Tuesday or early Wednesday, again, depending on how things go with the new computer.

Best of luck.

Rick Ballard said...

Jay Cost again on why Cooke and Rothenberg are hacks. Those two are close to committing business suicide if Cost's numbers are right - and I have no reason to doubt him.

Anonymous said...

I would like to know how guys like Ellsworth are going to deal with Pelosi. He is running ads here saying we will not cut and run and the American military deserves bonuses for the work they do and better and more military hardware etc and meanwhile back at the House of Reps Pelois is promising a quick get away.

Will this kind of double talk lead people to vote Republican in the end? At least with them you know what to expect.

Doug said...

RCP AVERAGE Spread in samples is 10!

USA Today/Gallup 10/06 - 10/08

622 LV 36 59 Dems +23.0

So Gallup really believes 23% more Dems will show up to vote than Pubs?
Give me a break!

...I still think the Math Geniuses here should do an anylysis of closing up of polling as election day nears to save their reputations.

Pew tightened up their Generic a bunch this time.
Time will tell, soon even.

Doug said...
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Doug said...
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