Wednesday, January 03, 2007

A Portrait in Courage

Or not

The Democrats hold a press conference to unveil their big plans for their first 100 hours and Mother Sheehan brings the whole thing to a screeching halt. And I do mean screeching.

The Democrats hiked their skirts and ran for cover. Rahm was so upset he almost wept, poor baby. The terrorists had better watch out. The Democrats are in charge and they are bad, bad to the bone.


Luther said...


Charlie Martin said...


Luther said...


Anonymous said...

I wonder if Hillary will arrange an accident or something? I mean I know I would not want to be the anti American commie loving anti war loud mouth that got between Hillary and the White House. no siree. not me.

vnjagvet said...

Terrye, that last comment is hilarious. Cindy has not experienced ruthlessness the likes of that.

Anonymous said...

Hey, the Godfather has nothing on that woman. I would not be surprised if some misfortune did not befall the dazzling Obama {rhymes with Osama}.

Hillary might be the meanest, scariest man who ever sit behind that desk in the Oval Office.

vnjagvet said...

Ya think a gender test may be in order?

buddy larsen said...

Oh, Obama will be sorry if he crosses the Hil Machine.

She da Moveable Dead Zone.

Anonymous said...

Well a gender test might result in mixed results. There are freaks of nature who fall somewhere between and one of them is Hillary. cold as ice.

People think it was Bill's people who were threatening all the ladies and lasses he fondled, laid and propositioned...nope, it was Hill letting them know that she did not marry that lying sob so that some bimbo could screw things up for her.

MeaninglessHotAir said...

The Democrats are pretending they were elected for ethics reasons (a complete charade, considering the Democrats), and Cindy Sheehan asserts they were elected to lose the Iraq War. Politicians don't like it when the makeup is taken off.