One of these, painted black, is what fired the missile that hit the Pentagon on 9/11/2001. JR Dunn at American Thinker has the details.
...papers, web sites, and magazines have mentioned the mystery A-3 over the past few weeks, and not a single one has blown the whistle.
Reporters who would travel beyond the wide world’s end to track down... Dick Cheney’s shotgun shells can’t see their way to looking into it. They have no idea there’s anything to look into. And people wonder why the legacy media are sliding into irrelevance?
JR's onto something. Read the whole thing.
ADDITION: Our friends at American Thinker are on a roll today. Marc Sheppard brings us How do you solve a problem like Sharia? Just one thing Marc... it is "cloud", not "shroud"! My females love to sing and while they were young you have no idea - it is beyond the comprehension of those who haven't lived through it - how many times I've heard the song (and all the others). Cloud. There's nothing difficult about pinning shrouds. Cloud. Otherwise, Bubba, loved the article. Really.
Area 51? You guys are nuts. It was a black A-3. That means that it was flying from one of the Rosicrucians "invisible" aircraft carriers. Of course, they're not really invisible - its just that they're on station in the Bermuda Triangle. And you know what that means.
Or was it the Rotarians? Oh well, same difference.
If these guys ever get hold of some Illudium Q-36 we're in real trouble.
To match the black helicopters.
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