Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Blogging 'un-Christian' - shock | The Register

Blogging 'un-Christian' - shock | The Register: "'Propriety, decorum and decency are not elements considered on blogs. People simply blurt things out, without considering the contents or consequences.'"


  1. Uh, excuse me, I wasn't looking. Did Terrye just flash us?

    Anyway, I love how the guy quotes Proverbs about using few words, but then he just blathers on and on with his opinion.

    Let's see now, it isn't Christian for people to use their own God-given will and reason. It isn't Christian to add one's voice to the dialogue that goes to make up our Democracy. It isn't Christian to believe one has a right to form communities based around shared interests.

    I invite that guy to slap my other cheek any day.

    I just hope I don't go Peter on his ass.

  2. pastorius:

    Like what you see? There is more where that came from.

    OMG I sound like Foley.

  3. Terrye,
    Heck yeah. I almost feel like a teen again.

  4. I find I often feel like a teenager.

    But they've gotten really hard to catch.
