Sunday, September 25, 2005

Avoid the Nano!

The brand-new Nano iPod from Apple looks very appealing. My son bought a regular iPod this summer for $400 and I was able to examine it first-hand. It's a clever attractive device, with good sound and the best interface to one's music I've seen, but the price exceeds my spending limit. The Nano, starting at $199, is a different story. It's small, it's convenient, it's cheaper, and it displays your digital photos. Turn on your TV and you're likely to see it: it's the subject of yet another Apple-generated, slick, hip marketing campaign. I could feel the urge to buy growing--the campaign was working--only to discover yesterday from early reports that the screen scratches easily if you look at it cross-eyed. Bummer. Oh well, I guess I'll have to keep my Scottish ancestors happy and save my money.


  1. MHA,

    You will find that a greater acceptance of conservative principles will do honor to your Scot ancestrage. Time spent reflecting on the negative externalities engendered by the Reformation in an effort to determine its actual efficacy is time not spent contemplating the expenditure of funds on frivolities. I saved a considerable amount of money by reflecting upon the negative impact of Jefferson's substitution of "pursuit of happiness" for "property" while the recording media changed from 2-track to 4-track to 8-track to cassette. (I finally settled on CD a couple of years ago after it became too difficult to find needles to use with the turntable.)
