NEW YORK — A purported Al Qaeda newscast that promises weekly updates made its online debut with a report read by a masked man that included video of Hurricane Katrina — subtitled “divine punishment”...
Two quick points, the first from a western point of view and the second from the point of view of these murderers themselves:
(1) Isn't it a rather embarrassing sign of weakness that one has to count as "victories" meteorological events?
(2) Does not this sort of thing cut both ways, and is one not risking that hearers sympathetic to the cause may at some point wonder whether the degradation and misery surrounding them may indicate that Allah does not favor them?
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure we should think that Al Qaeda actually believe all of their own propaganda. What they seem to be doing here is trying to get under the skin of all those guilty westerners who actually blame hurricanes on Bush, because he isn't stopping global warming, or whatever. Al Qaeda rightly observes that the west is racked with guilt and so this becomes key to all their strategies. The enemy in this case is within. PHysician heal thy guilty!
Doesn't a tsunami trump a hurricane? I mean, there is a difference between miffed and angry.