Monday, September 26, 2005


Roger Simon had a post yesterday concerning the fact that women now outnumber men at colleges and universities by a significant margin. He later appended an observation concerning the fact that women are matriculating at some medical schools in numbers equal to or higher than men. When ever I see such an assertion I tend to look for underlying data that supports or weakens the assertion. Wrt med school I found this concerning application/matriculation information.

My query regards the availability of a single source for information concerning application/matriculation/graduation accross the full spectrum of higher eduction. Affirmative action was first promulgated per an executive order by LBJ in 1965. After forty years of contentious effort it seems that there should be some type of longitudinal study that records the efficacy of affirmative action policy. The Title IX policy appears to be functioning wrt to women and the medical profession (although graduation/licensing information is difficult to find).

I'm hoping that a reader or contributor here might know of a longitudinal study such as the one described. If one does not exist, one might wonder why not. It's not as if it's a minor policy with little cost or societal impact.


  1. I have been overwhelmed at work for the last few days, so no chance to post anything. I see that Jamie Irons has joined us. Welcome aboard, Jamie!

  2. Thanks, Knuck. The NCES site has most of what I was looking for.
