Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Stuck on Stupid Affirmative Action Policies

New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin and Lt. Gen. Russel Honore are both black. That may be the only thing they have in common. Nagin is grossly incompetent and Honore is respected as a man of considerable skills and leadership. The latter has earned his way in life as a military officer. Nagin appears to have used his skin color to manipulate the private sector into awarding him millions of dollars in compensation. He was once a vice president with Cox Communications. Anyone involved in the communications industry can tell you that affirmative action “inclusionary policies” significantly influence the hiring and promotion process. Today Nagin is perhaps the worst mayor of a major American city. It is very fair to argue that affirmative action so-called remedies are responsible for much of the death and destruction in New Orleans. How much longer will this nonsense continue?


  1. The main role of the mayor of an American city is to dispense patronage. I imagine Nagin is perfectly qualified to do that.

    Seriously, I doubt very much that Nagin is the worst mayor in America. He just happened to get caught in the spotlight in this case. But in a country which can elect Marion Barry as mayor of its capital city, I think Nagin is probably pretty average.

    What that says about the people in Americas cities is a whole different story of course.

  2. I don't get it. Judging from pictures I've seen pictures of both Nagin and Honore, they're about as black as I am, and I'm generally considered white.

    This reminds me of a librarian I once saw at the library at LSU. She was "white", until she opened her mouth and spoke, at which point it became obvious that she was "black".

  3. I wonder if Nagin can be sued by his constituents?

    The man is a disgrace.

    I can't believe Bush is catching hell for not evacuating the city in two days after the hurricane hit when this guy had two days waiting for it to come and did not even bother to get the buses to high ground.

    I think Nagin is a product of a corrupt and self serving system that has ill served the people of New Orleans.

    I also think Honore should run for Mayor after he leaves the military. He would probably be the city's first honest public servant in living memory.
