Saturday, October 15, 2005

The Big Day

Today the people of Iraq turned out to vote on the Constitution.

There were only a handful of attacks and by and large things seem to have gone smoothly.

I don't know how this vote will turn out but thanks to our military and the Bush administration's belief that even the Arab world can create a democratic state the people of Iraq have had a chance.

For the sake of their children I hope it bears fruit.


  1. Remind me again why the international monitors declined to participate. Something about violence, I believe. Ah, those poor fools must watch CNN. Don't they know better?

  2. chuck:

    I think they believed their own propaganda.

  3. Roger,

    They have a moral compass; it just isn't your moral compass. Anything done by Bush is evil. Anything accomplished by the United States or the West is evil. Which part isn't clear?

  4. What happened to the idea that self governance is cherished liberal value.

    It ain't a cherished liberal value, just a wedge issue. Liberals despise the great unwashed unless, of course, the great unwashed are soldiering for the self-anointed liberal leaders and aiding them in their quest for power.

  5. I think their reporters all stayed in the Green Zone too.

    As terrye said: "they believed in their own propaganda".

    But right at this moment, anyway, I don't care. I just want to say:

    A'ash Al-Iraq!
