Saturday, October 22, 2005

Democracy is for saving us from the humorless

From the Aussie Daily Telegraph comes this insightful little piece by Malcolm Farr about the humored and the humorless (or should that be humourless) in today's cyber politics.

"However, someone who values and can deliver humour is, to my mind, someone who knows the world is flawed and that they themselves have the odd defect."
Read the whole thing, it's where I got the title from.

I love popping over to Tim Blair's site for some relief from the daily doses of political point-counterpoint. Not that Tim Blair doesn't address these same types of issues, he certainly does, but he often does it with a flare that can leave you chortling in your chili.

Besides, he's brutal.

But in a humourous fashion. How many people do you know who will write a blog article based on the number of times a political writer used 'I' in an editorial? I've learned more about Aussie politics than I ever wanted, yet I often find I'm anxious to learn what's bothering Margo Kingston this week.

(And his commenters are refreshingly un-PC.)

Perhaps a bit more humor and a lot less whining could help us all.


  1. Syl,

    I love Tim Blair.

    To me the style of his humour (here we have to use the u) is reminiscent of Mark Steyn's.

  2. Syl,

    I loved the Malcom Farr as well; his analysis is compelling.

    And I agree that people with a sense of humour (even those with a sense of humor) tend, on the average, to be more tolerant.

  3. Tim Blair is funny. And he is smart too.

    That blog administrator of his, Andrea, ain't no slouch either.

  4. Andrea scares me! LOL

    Bless her. She's sharp and no-nonsense.

  5. syl:

    Yes, I had to suck up to her once just to convince her I was on her side.

    one mean woman.
