Tuesday, October 04, 2005

In Other News

US troops launch big assault on al Qaeda in Iraq. As I'd hoped, the The Belmont Club has analysis of what's going on.


  1. Why, praytell, are those millionaire editors and writers of the MSM unable to do this level of basic analysis and reporting for us? Yarrghh!

  2. Knuck,

    Wretchard, Bill Roggio and Michael Yon have provided the best commentary on the wrapup to the Iraqi battle that one could hope for. Whenever I see another negative article in the MSM concerning operations I can feel confident of reading a dissection and rebuttal within hours.

    I wonder how many Americans actually know that the battle is almost over? How many understand that the Iraqi Army will be conducting intensive mopup operations in the spring as the US drawdown begins?

    There will undoubtedly be some nasty and deadly days in Iraq through the next few months but the average day is now bringing more terror to terrorists than to the Iraqi citizenry.
