I know honestly, how much you want so much one of these wonderful swiss replicas.
You'll need to get one of the boxes for it too.
I remember too that they offer the tracking service for your shipment.
Choose anyone of the rep lica-watches at this worldwide on-line site. It
is your surprise.
Don't collect up all the reasons why you shouldn't have a quality replica.
Just find it because you want it.
You are such a caring person, it is time you got back something for
[URL deleted]
My deepest love,
P.S. Nothing can sea be robot heavy, you noise know, except by trying to fall,
and being —
Second better should Scene,
Angry knee, with the Project brave (and any other
party you may receive this fetching...)
This to my inbox this morning was. Unbidden it lay, storing up for me a big surprise (or replica of same, Swiss no less), as though the shade of James Joyce had roused from slumber of the grave himself to me a missive.
All this and the deepest love of Betya! (Or a Beta of Betya, not as she yet perfected was?)
You too are a caring being, and kind.
Should I offer this forward your way, or hoard to myself all the something special wrist clocks?
Please write and say.
ReplyDeleteMr. Bloom
Replica Swiss & Co.
Dear Leopold,
Will you wind it up, so we don't have to commit battery?
ReplyDeleteYou're such a card! (-carrying non-communist)
wait, it comes with a box too!
ReplyDeleteIn England, a sundial works as well at night as it do in de daytime! Here in central Texas, in August, the sun can be found actually laying on its side out on the prairie, too damn hot to get up and do anything.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteThat's Sun Diali Lama, you Dope!
ReplyDeleteMirage: Larsen's Well Hell
ReplyDeleteJoyce Lies, Lips frozen, smells Pocket Explosion
doug - thanks for labeling that last one OT ;-)
ReplyDeleteJulian, that was cruel, but funny!
ReplyDelete(...and those pix 'r pretty bad, Uncle Duke!)
ReplyDeleteHow's this:
What's a Lama with limited internet access?
You got it.
Dial Up Lama
Speaking of telling time:
ReplyDeleteIs Julian the Calendar Guy?
{Ya' know: The Roman, The Penthouse, and The Julian.)
Doug, you're so corny I bet you sweat ethanol.
ReplyDelete"Sweat Ethanol"
I *metabolize* that.
...the sweat's just there for the leavins.
As you reek, so shall you sow, right?
"Here in central Texas, in August"
Time all this: I thought Austin you lived in.
Doug, Austin is *in* central Texas. The two categories are in separate systems. Think of a Hawaiian, for example, being also an Earthling.
ReplyDeleteWait, Pineapple King, let me review THAT one.
BTW--how many folks know that Hawaii is our most Southern state? 500 (800?) miles south of Key West (KW is *in* Florida, you know).
Alaska occupies our other three extremes: North, West--and East, too (the Aleutians cross the International Date Line).
This is the great bar bet of all time, "Can You Name The Four States In the Four Farthest Directions?"
So what month is Hawaii, (I)*In*?
ReplyDeleteYou take pleasure in the most twisted things...
ReplyDeletekeep it up :)
hey i am fully agree to what all you have written here ..
i am lovin this blog...
This is looking really nice stuff..
Well you win my heart..
i am lovin this blog...
This is a cool stuff
The original email is sort of an extended free-form Haiku-like prose. I think this literary form should have a name: "Haiyoo".
ReplyDeleteHaiyu ?
ReplyDeletefine, thanks. Well, unless there's samoa, abyssinia!
ReplyDeleteWe'uns over cheer 'n Texas eggzually pronounce "haiku" as "hay-koo". So, the joke was "hey, you!" as in, high-pressure street watch-peddler. I know--streeeeetch. Puns are a duh-sease. 'Spain in the neck to suffer chronically.
ReplyDeleteLOL! The mid-sea collision was extremely violet.
ReplyDeleteThere's one of those nation-wide 'people's' polls going on around here. The idea is this: If you support the president on Iraq, you're to drive with your headlights "on" during the day. If you disagree, drive with them "off" at night.
ReplyDeleteOne captain was on course, the other wasn't, so the perp'll be evident.
ReplyDeleteHold on, while I rack my brain....
ReplyDeleteheh heh...now we can write a book, "How it Is Around the Bend".
ReplyDeleteOkay, you axed for it, my favorite Englishman joke:
ReplyDeleteTwo old duffers bump into each other at the club.
Smith says, "Jones, I'm sorry to hear you buried your wife."
Jones answers, "Why, yes, Smith. Had to. Dead, you know."
Ha! i'll probably say "Honduras" when i re-tell it....
ReplyDeleteArgh--I KNEW I shoulda said "The Dominican Republic"!
ReplyDeleteWell, if da women can't, dominican! H ha ha i quit I quit iquitiquitiquit!!!!
ReplyDeleteI can't believe I surrendered to the British. Peter avenges Yorktown.