Saturday, November 05, 2005

Comments at the BBC News Forum

Samizdata led me to Natilie Solent, who pointed me to the BBC forum where folks are posting comments on the riotous French. Like Samizdata, I was particularly taken by the following:

I lived in France for 8 years and I have never understood why the “youths” deal with "social problems" only through riots. Until one day, I was admitted in a meeting of a so- called "cultural association" subsidized by the local council. A Muslim "brother" talked for about an hour on the difference between "us" and "them", to conclude that whatever we do to "them" is of god's will, a kind of Jihad. Well, the French authorities should start inquiring on the kind of “culture” they are subsidizing.

I think this bears on the Islamist connection. It may not be direct, the brothers may not be out there organizing the riots, but the attitude they are imparting likely plays a role. Another quote:

I teach in those suburbs and I can tell everyone it's a "hell". These groups often identify themselves to Palestinians and they are under no control. They are gangsters but at the same time they claim to be "good muslims". They fear no one for they are ruling the area where they live. People fear them and the police never come in those places

Here is the blowback from the constant cheerleading that the French press lends the Palestinians. I thought such would happen. The BBC and the rest of the European press have done the same. They sh*t in the well and now have to drink the water. Bottoms up.

Update: "Africans" continue to lay waste to France. In a sign of the times, a white banner at a silent march reads "No to violence." Why white, one wonders? Where are the puppets? Sensible Frenchmen ask where is the army. So do I.


Jamie Irons said...


I teach in those suburbs and I can tell everyone it's a "hell". These groups often identify themselves to Palestinians and they are under no control. They are gangsters but at the same time they claim to be "good muslims". They fear no one for they are ruling the area where they live. People fear them and the police never come in those places


Jamie Irons

MeaninglessHotAir said...

We all learn from experience, but only from experience. None of us, not Sarkozy, not de Villepin, have had any experience with any of this. We don't know what to do. Our post-Sixties Western experience is irrelevant to the centuries-long fight against Islam. We don't know what to do. Naturally we're going to do the wrong thing. For a while.

chuck said...

We don't know what to do.

There is no mystery about dealing with disorder: nip it in the bud with sufficient force to keep it from escalating, then deal with the "root" causes. To loiter about while violence spreads just lends enthusiasm and confidence to the perps.

I can't help but think that an armed citizenry would help France at this point. Sure, such would lead to clashes and deaths, but that is the price to be paid for a viable society. You can't throw all your eggs into the basket of the French government and hope a vapid incompetent like Villepin never becomes premier. There is no fallback position, the whole arrangement is hopelessly brittle.

Villepin hit 100 days back on Sept 7. He has now progressed directly to Waterloo without collecting troops on the way. Some Napoleon he turned out to be.

Anonymous said...

I heard two interesting things this morning: Sarkozy is to blame as far as the left is concerned. It seems he failed to do the necessary butt kissing and authorities found a crude gasoline explosives factory.

Wouldn't a factory lead one to assume there is some amount of planning to all this?

Islam can exist in civil society and has before...the problem is the periodic psychotic breaks.