Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Do The French Love Us?

I found this thanks to no-pasaran:

J'ai donc essayé mais en vain, de contacter le site de l'ambassade des USA, à dessein de demander à Bush de se préparer à nous aider à vider et à réorienter sur leur continent, les musulmano-africains et à nous protéger, nos dirigeants ne faisant que prêter le flanc au lieu de voir qu'il s'agit bien d'uen guerre civile nécessitant un traitement militaire sans concession.

Impossible d'avoir le site de l'ambassade des Etats-Unis à Paris, pour cause de saturation !

Machine translation:

I thus tested but in vain, to contact the site of the embassy of the USA, intentionally to ask Bush to prepare to help us to empty and reorientate on their continent, musulmano-African and to protect us, our leaders doing nothing but lend the side instead of seeing that it is indeed uen civil war requiring a military treatment without concession.

Impossible to have the site of the embassy from the United States in Paris, due to saturation!

Sure fella, we should "reorientate on their continent, musulmano-African." Send the Jews to Germany, the North Africans back to Africa. What is it with the French?

Sorry about the saturated phone lines at the US embassy. Please leave your name and phone number and we will get back to you.


  1. Well, my machine translated French is a bit rusty, but by their continent I think he means Africa.

    "Send 'em back to Africa." Hmmm... where have I heard that before?

  2. What was it De Gaulle said after the liberation of Paris?

    Something along the lines of Yankee go home.

    This is not the first time I have heard of something like this. Africans have been known to carry signs asking for Bush to help them.

  3. but by their continent I think he means Africa.

    I think you are right, so I changed it. Thanks ambi.

  4. Thank God, the French have finally agreed upon the terms of surrender.

    Spring '06 fashion tip:

    French designers today announced the return of the scarf as a "mandatory" fashion accessory for the coming spring season. "It adds an element of mystery", stated Maurice LeJaune, manager of the newly renamed "L'esprit de al-Paree" design salon.

  5. I don't know, Rick. The yutes may want to beat on them some more before they let them surrender. But hey, I have an idea. Lets drop arms to the resistence in the French countryside. There might even be some this time around.

  6. Peter,

    It is said that the Mafia was first formed during the Bourbon rule of Sicily. The French have been paying Arab extortionists for some time. They are used to it and it has worked just fine - so far. Which is remarkably like the condition of the fellow who jumped from the top of a twenty story building as he passed the tenth floor.
