Monday, November 14, 2005

Global Warming is Due to...........Water?!?

So much for the Kyoto Treaty.

"Water vapour rather than carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is the main reason why Europe's climate is warming, according to a new study."

If that's true (who knows any of this stuff anyway?), then sucking trillions of dollars out of the pockets of poor Americans to give to the Communist Chinese government for carbon trading wouldn't really make a lot of sense would it?

From the Kyoto-pushing America-hating BBC of all places.

Time to buy an SUV?


  1. I have heard so much stuff about this...who the hell knows?

    Is it the sun?

    I even heard that as the ice melts it creates more water and that creates more melting and on and on and on.

    And of course there is the simple fact that the climate changes, it just does, it always has and so how can we really know what normal is?

    Was the ice age normal?

    There was a time when Iraq was green. When Babyon was a great city the country looked quite different and the changes began centuries before the use of fossil fuels.

    This whole debate has become a growth industry with all kinds of people pushing their own agendas. I honestly don't know where the science begins and the hype ends.

  2. "..sucking trillions of dollars out of the pockets of poor Americans to give to the Communist Chinese government for carbon trading wouldn't really make a lot of sense would it?"

    I expect that the Communist Chinese would say it makes a great deal of sense.

  3. Can you imagine how warm and humid it's going to get when we switch over to hydrogen powered cars?


  4. I'll tell you one thing that does concern me. We're (over)due for a reversal of the magnetic poles. And there seems to be some anomalies in that the poles are weakening more than they 'should' which presages a reversal.

    Except I haven't a clue what that would do. Because nobody seems to be paying attention--or else its not worthy of attention--or else no way has yet been found to hurt America with the information.

  5. Syl,
    What happens when the magnetic poles reverse?

    Everybody gets really, really dizzy, and those with motion sickness throw up a lot for a few days.


  6. Syl,

    People are paying attention to the weakening of the magnetic field, but I think the current general consensus is that we're simply seeing a random fluctuation and there's nothing to worrry about.

  7. "What happens when magnetic poles reverse?"

    Magdalena Wrobel has become a lesbian? Man, that's a surprise.
