Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Its gonna be a blue Fitzmas aka the Grinch that stole Fitzmas

Bob Woodward dropped a bombshell today stating that he had not only known that Valerie Plame was a CIA analyst but had discussed it with an anonymous source back in June 2003.

So much for Libby being the first to talk. Will this mean the indictment will be withdrawn?

Woodward's source was not Libby or Rove.

And according to Mort Kondracke it was not Cheney either. It seems suspicion is going to some former official.

Wouldn't it be a hoot if it was Tenet and the CIA was the source?

Tom Maguire is on the case.


  1. Terrye,

    This is one of those stories that is just plain fun.

    By the way, when I was a little kid growing up in Wheaton, Illinois (I lived there from ages 10 to 17), I delivered the Chicago Tribune to Bob Woodward's home. Woodward was three years older than I, and his sister was a good friend. Bob W. and I both attended the same high school, and both went to and graduated from Yale.

    But I don't know him!


    Jamie Irons

  2. OMIGOD - could Jamie be The Source ?!?

  3. I thought the whole Libby thing had died down.

    I was wrong.

    I'm so very very happy I was wrong!

  4. More grist for the mill of that top notch Libby defense team.

    A field day will be had by all.


    It looks like a lot more time on JOM, playing with the likes of Geek and Creepy Dude:>

  5. vnjagvet


    Don't forget cheezedoodle or whoever.

  6. jamie:

    Sure you don't know him, sure....whatever you say..wink wink.

    Hey, did you ever work for the CIA? That whole shrink thing is a great cover.

  7. I have been seeing references to Rand Beers (former offical as of day before or after the start of the war)

    "...Kerry's advisers acknowledged yesterday that Wilson, who has also donated $2,000 to Kerry this year, told them about his allegations against the White House involving his wife before going public with them this summer. But Rand Beers, Kerry's top adviser on foreign affairs, said the campaign has not played a role in coordinating Wilson's charges....

    ...Kerry spokeswoman Kelley Benander said yesterday that Wilson's campaign portfolio includes such issues as Iraq, weapons of mass destruction, the Liberian conflict, and Africa. Beers said Wilson communicates with campaign advisers at least once a week. He is one of about 35 people contributing ideas to the campaign, Benander said."

  8. oops

    Rand Beers as Woodward's former official source...the reason I say this is because Wilson USED his wife's position to add credibility to his (to Kristof and Pincus and more) story...she backed her man up

    So I could totally see Beers using this to lend"look his wife is CIA Winpac analyst and she totally backs his claim up"

    It is only when the info that she HAD A HAND in SETTING UP the trip that that became a net negative to JO JO MOJO
