Wednesday, November 30, 2005

More goodness on other blogs

Consequently, I can’t say for certain how Terry would have tried to weasel out of the rather obvious inconsistency—though if I had to take a guess, I suspect he’d fall back on the Senate’s “bipartisan no-confidence vote in George Bush,” which essentially demanded that the President follow his own plan, and to update the Senate to tell them that he is indeed continuing to do so.
(Jeff Goldstein.)

In the mean time, Jon Henke points out that the "new strategy for Iraq" exactly corresponds to the strategy published in April and May 2004.

(Hey, it works for Glenn Reynolds.)


  1. I keep hearing that Bush does not have a plan but so far it seems to me he is a lot more coherent than his opposition.

  2. hey, don't knock yourself, Seneca--it works for GR because it's a great form. Reader has a pair of remote & erudite eyes scanning the world. I think it's great--and it's nice to have a low-maintenance method in your toolbox, can't help but add good content to the site.

  3. terrye,
    Try repeating
    "Bush does not have a plan."
    10 - 15 Times/Day.
    Might Work.

  4. The News:
    . Bush reveals clear goals amid mixed messagesNewsday - 2 hours ago
    WASHINGTON -- For a man trying to convince Americans that he has a way out of Iraq, President George W. Bush had an unusual way Wednesday of going about it. He offered no timetables for withdrawal ...

    The Source:

    With changes in public opinion and among some leaders, members of Congress are examining their position on Iraq right now. Please sign our petition urging Congress to insist on an exit strategy to bring the troops home in 2006. MoveOn members will personally deliver the petition before Congress leaves for the holiday break.

    We Beat Our Goal
    Thanks to the generosity of MoveOn members we beat our fundraising goal and deadline last week and got the new ad on TV before Thanksgiving. A total of $356,986 was raised from 9,764 individuals. Thank you!.

    Dear MoveOn member,

    In a speech today, President Bush tried to answer the majority of Americans who believe we need to change course in Iraq. But he offered no plans to bring troops home just flashy public relations.

    Bush's public relations push comes at a tipping point in the Iraq debate. A majority of Americans want troops home in 2006 and former supporters of the war in Congress like Rep. John P. Murtha (D-PA) agree.

    Members of Congress are changing and examining their position on Iraq right now. It is critical that they hear from all of us. For the next two weeks we're circulating a petition calling on Congress to insist on an exit strategy to bring the troops home in 2006. Will you sign? Click below.

    We re planning a nation-wide round of deliveries two weeks from now, when MoveOn members will deliver local petition signatures to Congresspeople across the country. The more people who sign, the more clear the message will be: we expect Congress to act.

  5. If it weren't for all the other consequences, I'd DEARLY LOVE for these characters to come under the control of al Qaida.

    Yes, I know, they ARE already--but only as usful idiots.

    I'm talking about becoming subjects of the New Caliphate.

    Heads would roll.

    Couldn't happen to a nicer bunch of heads.

  6. Global Days of Action
    March 18-20, 2006

    Third Anniversary of the
    “Shock and Awe” Invasion of Iraq

    The A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition joins with antiwar organizations globally in calling for March 18-20, 2006, to be Global Days of Action. This is the third anniversary of Bush's criminal aggression against the people of Iraq.

    March 18 - March 19
    Locally-Coordinated Antiwar Protests

    On Saturday, March 18 and Sunday, March 19, 2006, locally-coordinated demonstrations will take place in cities and towns across the U.S. and around the world, including in New York City, Washington DC, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Chicago, Seattle and many more.

    Read the Call to Action
    Endorse the Global Days of Action
    List a March 18-19 Antiwar Event

    Monday, March 20
    Youth & Student Day of Resistance to Imperialism

    On Monday, March 20, young people will organize acts of resistance in their schools and communities. See below for the statement that was adopted at the November 6 Youth and Student A.N.S.W.E.R. Strategy Meeting held in New York City at Hunter College.

    Read more
    Endorse the Day of Resistance
    List a March 20 Act of Resistance

    Tell Bush, Congress, and
    the Commerce & Treasury Departments:
    End the U.S. blockade of Cuba!

    Next Tuesday, November 8 - in one week - the United Nations General Assembly will vote for the 14th consecutive year on a resolution to end the blockade of Cuba. As with previous years, the outcome of this vote will undoubtedly be a show of the international opposition that exists to the U.S. blockade.

    The A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition has set up an easy-to-use mechanism to send a message of opposition to the U.S. blockade of Cuba to the Congressional Representative in your District, Senators in your state, President George W. Bush, Secretary of the Department of Commerce Carlos M. Gutierrez, and Secretary of the Treasury John William Snow. Please take a moment now, by clicking here, to send a message to Bush and Congress.

    Read more.

    A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition
