Wednesday, November 30, 2005

The Officers' Club: Quote for Today

"We're fighting a political war folks, and reality is our artillery. "


  1. USMC_Vet is now posting at Threats Watch dot com along with Bill Roggio and Marvin Hutchens.
    Pass the Ammo!

  2. Peter, my two cents: without a huge sample, you couldn't quantify that sort of volition on the part of the enemy.

    But some things simply must be so, in the realm of cause and effect.

    Intuition is not necessarily less valid due to lack of data...lack of evidence is not evidence of lack.

    That said, I think we saw a spate of just that over the last couple weeks.

  3. Here's something that could yield facts: the date at which the Dem primary candidates' speeches assumed the anti-war BDS rhetoric, vs the date at which the terror campaign in Iraq fully launched.

  4. Buddy 6:18 PM,
    What are you talking about?
    Sample of our positive and loyal opposition:
    "I was for withdrawal in defeat,

    But that was before,

    I was for a time table for success in Iraq which would allow for the U.S. military to leave."

    What is "Reality" Department:

    via Hugh Hewitt

    And, via Left Coaster, I find that Jeffrey Feldman at Daily Kos and I had the same reaction to official Democratic response to the speech:
    According to John Kerry
    , the problem with the President's
    "National Strategy for Victory in Iraq"

    was that it made the claim that the U.S. military belonged to the President's policy and not to the American people (hang on, here, it's hard to explain Kerry's arguments).
    He then went on to explain that Democrats are not calling for a time table for leaving Iraq, but were instead calling for a time table for success in Iraq which would allow for the U.S. military to leave.

  5. Where there's a distinction with no difference, there you will find the Massachusetts Mealy. Where there's credit rightfully due others, there you will find the Botox Billboard. Where there's...oh, what's the use....

  6. It works better on Audio, where you can use that
    Ever Self Important and Authoritative
    Tone of Voice.
    (gawd, how I miss it! - can't wait for the short lived 2008 primaries)

    "Words ought to be slightly wild for they are the assault of thoughts on the unthinking"

    J M Keynes

    ht Daniel M. Harrison

  7. There's a new up-and-comer in is Buford Estrada.

  8. "Is Zell too old?"
    No, could always have a young guy like Joe Liebermann for VP

  9. Knucklehead, thanks for the excellent expression of a thought which I couldn't drag up outta the mess I made of myself with birthday daughter's ice cream & cake.

    Translated to the first reality, these blabbering politics-addled Dem fools have instigated an extra measure of violence and death--of that, I have no--absolutely no--doubt.

    Peter--maybe in the interests of civil order, we'd best not try to quantify that extra measure. One fresh grave or a thousand--pick a number. It's all tragic to the extent it could be avoided via less of the selfish careerist momomania rampant in the system.

  10. Mom just called and said that's "moNomania".

  11. I've just complimented a Knucklehead post, and am thus a little concerned about cheapening my currency, but still I gotta say, that was well, well said, Peter.

    Hell, POTUS was a cheerleader, too!
