Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Oxblog Meets the Yutes

And discovers that they aren't nice people.


  1. Reading Oxblog from time to ever less frequent time has left me with the impression of writers totally convinced of their intellectual superiority. While I would not argue that matter, someone might suggest to Mr. Belton that taking pictures of violent criminals at the scene of their crimes is not a profer of affirmative dispositive evidence concerning the intellectual standing of the photographer.

    It's a move dumb enough to be worthy of Bob Fisk but I doubt that Mr. Belton would appreciate the comparision.

    Oh well, some forms of education are more expensive than others.

  2. Peter,

    The creation of West Bank on the Left Bank implies that the Muslim population is the intended prey. Going after a non-Muslim is asking for more attention than the rent-seekers want. They need autonomous enclaves in order to create a thriving protection and drug racket. If Belton were a swarthy fellow he might not have had an opportunity to keep us up to date on his lack of imagination.

    The French government's surrender terms should satisfy the sottocapoimams who will now quiet down the soldatoyouths in order to start sucking the population dry through intimidation.

    I wonder if the youths will put up 'Mission Accomplished' signs in the Muslim banlieus this weekend?

  3. Henri Cartier Bresson would have a tough time with that crowd.
