Sunday, November 27, 2005

The Party's Over

It seems that Cindy Sheehan is just about done. Maybe it was the laughing and dancing her grief away that got to people, but she is back in Crawford and it seems she is feeling kinda lonely.

HT: powerline


  1. peter:

    And her husband will be gone too.

    It seems Casey's father just could not deal with seeing his son's memory used in such a tacky and pathetic way.

  2. Well, she certainly does beam the message of freedom out to the world. as in, if this weren't a free country, she'd be doing her giggling in the hoosegow by now, on treason charges. It's good when enemies are so discombobulated and scroungy that we look good just for having them as enemies.

  3. Buddy,

    I think that you're back to providence. No earthly power could have given the Republican party the gift of John "reporting for doody" Kerry, Joe "There's never been a bigger flake" Wilson, and Mother "Red" Sheehan. Not to mention George "gee, that sounds like a good idea, Markos" Soros to fund every left wing nut ball idea.

    Toss in Harry "the undertaker" Reid and Nancy "night of the living dead" Pelosi as elected leaders and good ol' Howlin' Howie as party chair and Rep accomplishments don't look all that impressive.

  4. Teddy "tax 'em 'til they scream" Kennedy just set up four trust funds on the island of Fiji, in order to avoid the estate taxes he's fighting so hard to keep as law for the rest oif us. Not kidding. Really. Google Teddy and Fiji--tho i haven't (it's in the new Hoover sponsored book "Do as I say, not as i do") so googled, i'm sure it's there.

  5. here's a source for the real truth about the Civil War

  6. Rick, Providence is certainly the best explanation for how a deep, nuanced, intellect like JFKerry can be giving a stump speech these days that calls for both more troops, and immediate pullout--several paragraphs apart, presumably sufficient distancing for two opposing 'talking points'. Gotta use both sides--more and less--of every GWB state-of-being. whatever it is, it's over and under, always, together and simultaneously, what it 'should' be. Oh, where is Mies
    van der Rohe when they need him?

  7. Julian, your link, that video--it's utterly hilarious. I had to watch it two or three times, and save it. It's an email 'sender'!

    (...takes a minute or two to load, but worth it....)
