Wednesday, November 09, 2005

The Sounds of Silence

Has anyone else noticed how events in France have disappeared from the news? I Checked the BBC, the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Daily Telegraph, the London Times, Google news, Yahoo news; there are a few articles on the politics and the curfew, but nothing at all on actual events that are going on at this time. I didn't spend a lot of time searching, but you would think something would still be in the headlines somewhere. It is downright eerie. I know France3 was going to stop reporting on the riots to avoid encouraging copycat attacks, but successfully shutting down the world news is a remarkable feat. Like Yezhov, events in France have vanished from the picture.

Update: The news-o-sphere isn't entirely silent: this report has some details. Maybe it is time for the post-mortems to begin, perhaps we will finally begin to discover something substantive about root causes and consequences. I expect it will take many weeks for the muddied waters to clear.


  1. It's actually predictable. France clamps down on the news. The West MSM, already uncomfortable lieing about what is really going on is more than eager to drop it. And now....
    the demands.

    1) Much more jizya, and smile as you hand it over
    2) Demand for their own territory, but all jizya, and more, must come

  2. I would say the quiet is partly a result of the fact that they can't quite accomodate this event to their worldview. But it also reflects the not unrelated fact that the MSM always need new product and will be quick to drop a story when a new one like Amman bombings comes along.
