Tuesday, November 15, 2005

"They spoke the truth then and they're speaking politics now,"

President Bush is being very harsh concerning memory lapses suffered by Democratic leaders. He has shown little sympathy with Democrats such as Rockefeller, Levin, Reid, Kerry and Edwards who are claiming that they did not realize what they were doing when they cast their votes on the authorization to use force in 2002. I generally support the President but in this instance and considering those involved I think it very likely that they did not, in fact know what they were doing. If it's true today, why shouldn't it have been true in 2002?

To buttress their claim Democratic leadership accross the board have asserted that they lacked sufficient intelligence to make an informed decision prior to the 2002 vote. They claim to a man and woman that the intelligence that they rely upon is "cooked" and that due to that fact they were incapable of making a correct decision.

I believe that the President does a diservice to Democratic leadership by not taking them at their word. These people provide evidence of the veracity of the status of intelligence that they use in making determinations regarding their votes on a daily basis, I see no reason to doubt them. Defective intelligence is a touchy matter and if the Democrats claim that it was all they had to work with, who are we to say anything different?


  1. Every now and then [like say after Harriet Miers was publicly humiliated], I think maybe I will go back to the Democrats...if they can get serious about national security.

    I am not all that conservative when it comes to social issues, so it seems plausible.

    And then they go do something really stupid like this. I hope Bush goes after this like it was another campaign.

    Listening to Harry Reid reminds me why I can not vote for a Democrat.

    We have troops in Iraq and these people helped send them there. I listened to Democrats talk about Saddam and his weapons long before Bush ever made any speeches on the subject.

    Either they are stupid or they think I am and neither inspires confidence.

    In 10 years if Iraq really does settle down these same people will be reminding us how they voted for the Iraqi Liberation Act. Just whatever works at the time....

    But then again in a decade some of these folks will be getting a little long in the tooth.

  2. “History will show that none of the leading Democrats had substantial intelligence.”
    John F. Kerry

  3. If they claim they did not have enough information to base a decision on at the time, why didn't they say so? Why didn't they balk then?

    (I'm aware that many Democrats did vote against, but that's not because they didn't have enough information).

  4. Rick,

    I see that Pajamas Media is to be named Open Source Media. When I saw that, I thought, isn't that what Rick had in mind initally during the "name the company" bonanza last summer. So I checked. Not exactly but pretty close: http://www.rogerlsimon.com/mt-archives/2005/06/pajamas_media_q_2.php#c53630

    Will they give you 2/3 of the naming rights and the cash that comes with that?

  5. Barry,

    "I'm sure it is a simple coincidence."

    Repeat until believed.
