Saturday, November 19, 2005

Will the Last French Resident Please Turn Off the Lights?

The Drudgereport linked to a piece on the Contact Music website claiming that Johnny Depp is seriously thinking about moving out of France. 'I can’t stay in riot-ravaged France,' exclaims the leftist actor . This is hysterically funny because Depp emigrated to this country only a few years ago because it was supposedly safer than Los Angeles:

“He has since divided time between the two continents - but he fears France will be scarred permanently by the current troubles.

He says, "It's insane, that setting cars on fire is the new strike.

"I went there (to France) to live because it seemed so simple.

"Now it's anything but. I don't know how they'll recover from this."”

What are the precise reasons for the rioting? Are the youths victims of racial prejudice? Are they Islamic nihilists? These are abstract questions that some people engage in so they can avoid reality. They want to avoid the logical conclusion: France is a dying country. The situation is hopeless. Johnny Depp will not be the only one. Many others are going to leave France.


  1. He could always move to Greenland, It is nice and quiet there.

  2. One day, it'll click, and Hollywood will move back to Kansas.

    Is France a dying country? Probably yes. But i'd say they do have one last chance to save themselves.

  3. David,

    Some days I would agree with your proposition and some days I remember that France is capable of causing the streets to run with blood.

    I would think that the odds against France's survival are about 4 to 1. If they can't take the time to get grandma out of her flat before she broils I'm not sure that there is anything to save anyway.

    Existential nihilism is its own reward.

  4. Maybe he could hire the disgruntled youth to be extras in Pirates of the Carribbean Part Deux.

  5. Yikes--if it's too much for edward scissorhands, can the guillotine and the tumbrel be far behind?

  6. Truepeer's 'Kansas' is a good idea--all returnees from France to be quarantined for one year in a red state, tending fields, handling livestock, building fence, greasing tractors, staying the damn hell away from my daughter, uh, oh, well, went a little long there, sorry.

  7. Is France a dying country? Probably yes.

    First G*d, then France. Is nothing sacred?

  8. First G*d, then France. Is nothing sacred?

    G*d and France may be dead, but I understand that Allah is alive and well.

  9. ...and would like to come over for dinner asap.
