Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Al-Arian and Two Others were Acquitted by a Florida Jury

The evidence was overwhelming. There were even videos presented to the jury showing one of the defendants asking for money to murder Jews. This should have been a slam dunk case for the prosecution. We have yet to hear from the individual members of the jury pool explaining their bizarre decision. However, I think I know the reason. Our society is being severely damaged by postmodernism. There is supposedly no such thing as objective truth. One man’s terrorist is someone else’s freedom fighter. Calling for the destruction of Jews is merely a way for a Palestinian allegedly victimized by Israeli imperialism to fight for truth and justice. Who are we to say that they are employing language in a literal manner? Perhaps these individuals are merely engaging in rhetorical exaggeration? After all, the language of the victims of colonialist oppression is not the same as that of their oppressors.


  1. Well you know I hate to second guess a jury unless I know for sure what is going on.

    My guess is the case simply was not strong enough.

    All that is required is reasonable doubt.

  2. I have not followed this, but one of the TV commentators yesterday pointed out that much of the evidence related to events that occurred in the 1995-1996 timeframe.

    That is a fairly stale case, if you ask me. In my experience, the older the evidence, the harder to convict.

    In addition, the jury was hung on seven or eight counts, and these may be retried with better results.
