Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Exorcise the spooks

It seems the CIA is at again.

I am with John Hinderacker at Powerline. It is time to consider shutting down the CIA. Their latest leak to ABC news concerning the detention of 11 Al Qaida terrorists in Eastern Europe is a breach of national security and in light of the entire Plame fiasco, it would seem to be a crime.

So when can we expect subpoenas? It seems there are elements within the CIA who are determined to undermine an elected government. Rendition is not a new policy, nor is interrogation of terrorist suspects something that began when George Bush took office. And yet it seems it is left to Condi Rice to defend the CIA. Why?

Shut it down. It is corrupt, self destructive, political, incompetent and is becoming a foreign policy impediment. I say we tell those spooks to go toward the light and shut down this freak show.


  1. knucklehead:

    Condi Rice is in Europe right now telling our socalled allies in the EU that the US does not condone or practice torture.period.

    And since most of this information is from confidential and unnamed unsources I really do not know what to believe.

    One reason I don't like McCain's bill on torture is that I am afraid it will turn out like his bill on campaign finance reform. That is creating a far worse problem than it deals with. In truth the US could just kill these guys when we find them and the problem of what to do with them and how to treat them is solved.

    For instance what do we call torture? What do we call degrading treatment? Having your fingernails pulled out or being wrapped in an Israeli flag?

    It seems to me that Abu Ghraib created a narrative that the media and human rights activists are not about to leave alone. So much so that there are times when I wonder if that was the purpose in making an issue of AbuGhraib all along.

    It is very much like asking someone when they stopped beating the little woman.

  2. Yep,

    shut it down after cherry picking the competent workers and moving them elsewhere. I think the CIA has far to many hires that came out of the Ivies and other seditious dumps.

    I would also like to see some folks cooling their heels in jail.

  3. Well you know they can not live forever. But as long as they are kicking they do know where the bodies are buried.

    But this kind of thing can back fire. They have a kind of symbiotic relationship with the Executive branch and right now they are turning on the host.

    I think it is time to let attrition do its job. Just kind of let it fade away.

  4. rogera, don't hold back now.


    "CIA has far to many hires that came out of the Ivies and other seditious dumps."

    Been that way since the OSS days, has it not?

  5. It's the Democrats' fault. They cut the CIA budget drastically after the Cold War ended. According to Dana Priest's piece in the WaPo, the CIA used to maintain the cover of agents even after they retired.

    Now it's too expensive to do so. So the CIA unravels their cover and sets them free....to leak.

    I'm not so sure this was an unintended consequence.

  6. syl:

    Yes, you may be right.

    Once upon a time the agency was a socialist state in itself. cradle to grave.

    Now it is cradle to the front page.

    In fact a few years ago the Democrats were saying the CIA should be shut down.

    Well this is one way to make it happen.

  7. By all means shut it down. FBI shows up at 5pm and gives people 5 minutes to clean out their desks, no official business leaves the building, anything too big to carry will be shipped.

    Just like any other failed organization.
