Tuesday, December 06, 2005

"If it didn't happen, the people who testified are a bunch of jerks"

Chicago Boyz:

"A special Congressional hearing was held today to determine if the slow response in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina was due to racism.

The evacuees who gave testimony got pretty intense when describing their ordeal. They said that American troops aimed guns at young girl's heads, living in temporary shelters was deadly, and that they're victims of a crime as big as the Holocaust.

Uh huh. The US government set up death camps and shoveled millions of black residents into the ovens. Got it.

That surely happened because, if it didn't, then the people who testified are nothing but a bunch of jerks who are trying to game the system for their own gain."

1 comment:

  1. The Holocaust?

    Jeez Marie do these people even know what the Holocaust was?

    At first I was real symathetic but this is getting stupid. They live in an area prone to hurrcanes, they had plenty of notice the damn thing was coming, they were all out of there in a week.

    Look at Mexico and Central America when the recent hurrcianes hit them...those people have no hope of recovery and who gives a damn?

    Tell you what, if these folks think the US was so inept at taking care of them let them move to Guatemala and see if they get better service down there.

    And btw, I grew up in Oklahoma and I have seen entire communities wiped off the face of the earth and people just cleaned up the mess and went on.
