Thursday, December 08, 2005

Is Barrel Fishing Cruel?

Tom Maguire at JOM sent me over to watch Mark-In-Mexico spearfishing Lefties.

Very entertaining.


  1. Bipolar disorder does not usually make people act like this. It is very strange.

    The left is just doing what they always do, bitching. If the guy had a bomb and they hesitated and it had been detonated they would be building conspiracy theories around it today.

  2. Terrye,

    The bi-polar aspect is very sad. The sequence of events has elements of tragedy all along. What it does not have is any element that can be attributed to porrly trained or performing security personnel.

    Watching the left try to turn what is definitionally an accident, the responsibility for which lies entirely beyond a third party's control, into some sort of 'aha' moment is entertaining. There is no depth that the left will not plumb. Mark just takes them apart for doing so.

  3. Sometime when you have an hour or two, delve into Mark-in-Mexico's archives. He's been puttin' down hard licks for some good long time.

  4. The left's reaction to anything--everything--involving a gun is utterly predictable. Deep down, it knows that privately-owned firearms are why it can't just elect a candidate somewhere and then simply cancel any further elections until such time as it decides different.
