Monday, December 19, 2005

"Pakistanis now hold a more favorable opinion of the U.S. than at any time since 9/11"

Long a stronghold for Islamic extremists and the world's second-most populous Muslim nation, Pakistanis now hold a more favorable opinion of the U.S. than at any time since 9/11, while support for al Qaeda in its home base has dropped to its lowest level since then.

"Our friends the Pakistanis" — Opinion Journal


  1. I believe Pakistan is the third most populous Muslim nation, after Indonesia and India, respectively.

  2. That's it, Mark, always accent the positive. Come in with hatred and vituperation, always hoping for your country to lose, you'll be guaranteed to make lots of friends and influence many people.

  3. "markg8" - once again: is the US at war, and, if so, with whom?
