Tuesday, December 06, 2005

A Parent's Right to Know

Op-ed, by Jonathan Turley, Shapiro Professor of Public Interest Law at George Washington University, in today's USA Today. Since I find it easy to agree with Professor Turley on this matter I wouldn't mind hearing from those who disagree.


  1. I agree as well. Parental notification is as much a health issue as a matter of provacy.

    If my 14 year old daughter got an abortion and that knowledge was withheld from me...I would be furious.

    What if there are complications?

    And besides, if a young girl is growunup enough for that procedure, she is grownup enough to face her parents.

  2. I'm of two minds on this.

    On the one hand, I'm enough of a libertarian that my immediate reaction to any extension of the Government's power is "Not on your tintype."

    On the other hand, I'm somewhat confounded by the notion that you can't give a kid a flu shot without parental consent, but can perform a termination.

  3. I'm trying to figure out how the kid is going to go to court, do the paperwork, etc.., and still not have the parents find out somehow.

    I can see it now: "Jennaphr, what are all these lawyer bills about?"

    "What do you mean, you need a note to get out of school, you have to be in court?"

    Does'n't this strike anyone else here as absurd?
