Sunday, December 04, 2005

Sign, Sign Everywhere a sign...

The intersections of many New Orleans and Jefferson Parish streets are filled with signs. For a while this was the only means of communicating available services. There is talk of making this illegal now. Slowly but surely the market begins to make something happen. Now is a good time to work at Wendy's, as you can see (if you have a place to live).


  1. Doug said...
    re, the second picture:
    Did Buddy give you permission to post the picture of his farm?

  2. Doug, Buddy's cajun brother, maybe?

    Thanks, Peter.

  3. barry,
    I'm pretty sure someone slipped in a shot of Austin Acres.
    That was the storefront for a retail outlet Bud had that sold Unpasteurized Goat Shakes.
    Seems some kind of legal dispute arose over the local kids getting more than a few cases of the shakes themselves, and Bud was forced to shut down the dairy.
    Made for one Hell of a BarBeQue, despite the host bein Butt Ugly.
    Bud tried leasin out the place to a series of local "entrepreneurs," but ATF threatened to confiscate the farm, and Bud went back to selling pre-owned odds and ends.
    Nothin's easy anymores,
    that's why we do so need Tort Reform.

  4. (Bud just has cousin Joel [by multiple marriages] minding the place, since he took up residence on the lower 40 with his several families years ago.)

  5. "There is talk of making this illegal now. "

    Of course there is!!! The Democrats down there wouldn't want any capitalism or self-reliance to happen, now would they?!

  6. In New Orleans, some things never change.

    By Deroy Murdock
    New Orleans — Politicians here should not undervalue two finite resources: first, the goodwill of Americans and their federal representatives, and second, taxpayer dollars.
    Maintaining the former boosts the odds of seeing the latter.
    Thus, Louisiana policymakers must recognize that news of local graft, favoritism, and incompetence will evaporate this city’s reservoir of empathy more swiftly than New Orleans flooded in the first place. Reverting to pre-Katrina mischief would condemn this area to rebuilding without much help from an exasperated Congress and appalled citizens.

    In Louisiana, they don’t tolerate corruption; they insist on it,” laughs Louisiana native Fred Smith, president of the Washington, D.C.-based Competitive Enterprise Institute.
    In that spirit, St. Tammany Parish councilman Joe Impastato was arrested in a November 15 FBI sting for allegedly accepting two cashiers’ checks totaling $85,000, after arranging for OMNI Pinnacle, LLC, to dump storm debris on a local businessman’s raw land.

    Despite facing federal extortion charges, Impastato told reporters on November 18 that there was nothing unusual about his Tammany haul. This was “no different than any other business deal,” he said, adding that he acted as a private citizen, not as a local official.

    OMNI’s influence stretched past St. Tammany, which is just north of New Orleans. In fact, New Orleans mayor Ray Nagin rejected an experienced firm’s lower bid to discard storm debris and accepted OMNI’s pricier bid the day before Katrina struck. OMNI is perfectly connected. OMNI attorney Charles Rice was the city’s chief administrator until June. Rice’s brother, Terrance, has met with officials of the city and the Army Corps of Engineers. As municipal sanitation director, Veronica White oversees contract bids. She originally was hired by a former city official named Charles Rice.

    “People with familiar names and faces are making money — often in areas where they seemed to have no particular expertise before the storm,” the New Orleans Times-Picayune reported on November 20. “Perhaps the Louisiana way wasn’t washed away with the storm’s floodwaters.”
    Another thing that hasn't changed is the adolescent quality of their "leaders," as BlankO and the little rich girl Senator continue to badmouth the administration while asking it for favors.
    (at least I haven't heard anything from the Senator's Brother, the Attorney General!)

  7. I was a couple of years ahead of Mitch (the Senator's brother) when we were both at Jesuit. My recollection was that he was very talented in the philalectic society, i.e., he was a very good stage actor. Good preparation for a career in politics no doubt.
