Monday, January 30, 2006

72 to 25, Kerry's Excellent Davos Filibuster Adventure is Defeated

Much like the Excellent Cambodian Adventure, the Excellent Davos Filibuster Adventure goes into the dustbin of History. Another empty gesture that undermines the Senator's feeble attempts to reclaim leadership of the Democrats for the 2008 campaign.

Sad, revealing and, unfortunately, all too typical.


  1. Kos is down. The Kidz must be going nuts with frustration.

  2. Now the fun part begins - how many of the 25 who voted for cloture will vote against confirmation? I still make the final 'Yes' vote at 62-64.

    What a weeping and gnashing of teeth will commence now in Lower Koslandia (there is no Upper Koslandia, btw).

  3. Peter,

    Check the line at Ladbroke's on the Kean/Menendez race. Menendez just fried his chances with the Italian-Americans in New Jersey. "Boneheaded" doesn't begin to cover this move. Even the typical Dem resurrection vote advantage in NJ won't outweigh the Italian-Americans. Not that they're extraordinarily high on Hispanics to begin with.

    I don't believe that Kerry could actually move much farther into the margin. He's about off the page.

  4. Mark, does not know defeat when he sees it.

    This was a disaster for the Democrat left, NOW, NARAL, PFAW, and their minions.

    Their rhetoric has been unleashed, almost verbatim, on these nominees:

    O'Conner, Rhenquist(for CJ), Scalia, Bork, Kennedy, Thomas, Souter, Roberts and now, Alito.

    Their score: 1 win, 8 losses, and they have lost 5 in a row.

    Commonality -- all Republican appointees.

    They will need some new rhetoric or get a lot more Senatorial allies elected.

  5. Typical mark. I say something and he immediately discounts it. KOS WAS down before the vote. Right after the totals were announced I checked and KOS was still down. It came back up just a few minutes later.

    I was not the only one who noticed it.

    As for Kerry, Mark is the only one who is giving him credit. The Kos Kids see right through him.

    Sheesh. What have we done to earn a resident troll who's even worse than the Kos Kids.

  6. "We may have lost a battle but we haven't lost the war."

    That's the spirit, Mark! There's nothing quite like continuous disasters and defeat to stiffen the spine. I fully expect to see a battle won by the Dems that will rival Heraclea or Asculum in its significance - and soon!

  7. RogerA--re Purple Heart, wherever you were wounded, it didn't hurt your writing--

  8. geez...marky gets schooled again...

  9. Marky doesn't have any credentials.

    And that affirmative action baby, Menendez, did screw the pooch in NJ.

    But Corzine is going is going to gut the state long before anything Alito or Bush will. Just watch. He's going to be another Florio.

  10. People like mark are killing the Democratic party.

    I know I voted for a Repbulican for the first time in my life and the age of 52 because the party I had been a part of for so many years had been infested by small minded self loathing little hypocrites who seem to want to make America Sucks their new motto.

    I mean really... John Kerry? The billionaire air head who pretended to be a war hero..this is the best they could do? And Dean? Talk about a chicken hawk, the man spent the war in Viet Nam skying.

    The Democrats are going to keep losing until they tell these freaks to take a back seat and forget about driving.

    Honest to God people like mark are a Godsend to Karl Rove.

  11. Peter:

    Sometimes I wonder because once upon a time this silly nonsense would not have been tolerated.

    They have people like Evan Bayh, that is who should be speaking for the party. But he is from Indiana, and that is the middle of nowhere to alot of these folks.

    In fact there is so much unhappiness with our Republican Governor Mitch Daniels that people have been begging Bayh to come back and run the state. Fat Chance.

    At least Bayh is not spooky.

  12. Yeah Terrye, quit reading Hinderacker and Volokh--don't pay any attention to any leaders and thinkers with records of honesty and straight talk. Instead, get your info from the Marks of the world. Get back in line.

  13. Is mark talkking about me? I refuse to read his crap so I would not know.

  14. He wasn't being personal, Terrye--other than using your ex-dem status as 'what's wrong with the country'. Nothing serious--actually a form of compliment, matter of fact.

  15. Mark

    You are without doubt, not just a worthless individual, which could imply a somewhat neutral effect, but an individual with absolutely no perspective nor knowledge of history. That makes your presence in this world essentially a negative.

    You say you have explained your reasons for not doing service for this country...not on this blog. I once asked you a direct question on exactly what you have done for this country, in any capacity, I received no reply. Your silence bespeaks volumes.

    Other that entertainment, I do not know why you are allowed to post here. Your remarks are infantile, condescending and lacking in facts and truthfulness.

    In point of fact I should not be allowed to post here as well, I write poorly and offer nothing substantial to the discussion. But I at least try to not make a fool of myself. You, as usual for trolls, seem to preen at the outrageous of your comments. Sometimes you should just STFU, and learn from your betters.

  16. Hey-Luther--long time no see. You're wrong, up above, when you disparage your wrting. You got the experience, the openness, the word-flow--and the ring of truth. Besides those items, what much else is there?

  17. Why don't you take your own advice, Mark, and read some of the insights--often posted here--that involve your own camp's point-of-view?

    Start by scrolling up to Luther's word "perspective".

    Sure, you have some valid data points from time to time--but who wants to join your thru-the-soda-straw vision of the issues facing us all, when we all have learned from sad experience what tunnel-vision policies usually end up doing to the country?

    You perpetually concentrate on some result that is either bad or arguable, while ignoring or blatantly mischaracterizing all the other pieces of that picture.

    If you were critiquing the Mona Lisa, you'd ignore the smile and find a brushstroke over in the corner somewhere that would "prove" that Leonardo was a no-talent hack--or more likely, that he was a crooked hype-artist ripping off the little guy.

    See, you could be right as rain about the brush-stroke, but utterly wrong about Leonardo.

    It's just a trick--what you do--and everybody sees through it.

    Now, go ahead and accuse me of comparing Bush to Leonardo, and miss the point again in trade for a cheap chuckle.

  18. Nothing but assertions Mark. I saw not one fact in your little litany of right wing evil. Your Bush/Republican hate leads you to false and inaccurate assumptions about the nature of the world and of the posters on this blog.

    The thing is, is that your very comments above can be turned around and focused right back at you. Each one of your negative barbs reflects the manner in which you post at this site.

    You accuse those here of being manipulated, brainwashed and of ignoring reality. But it appears that you are the one who has been subjected to those processes.

    Help yourself out, give an honest listen to Buddy, your stubbornness may be preventing you from gaining insight into why no one pays any attention to what you say.

    BL - thanks for the assurance, but I am a harsh taskmaster on myself.
