Friday, January 13, 2006

Can't defeat the Iraqis in Iraq.

Confederate yankee makes this observation in his 1/12/06 post Tactical Seppuku. But he is talking about AlQaida.

It never ceases to amaze me how people who oppose the war assume an AlQaida jihadi from Jordan can win in Iraq, but we can't. Well, in almost three years we have lost fewer people in Iraq than we lost on September 11 in the USA. This is in a country where our people are vastly outnumbered.

As to whether the cultural legacy of Islamic radicalism can be countered by Democracy only time will tell. But the Iraqi people have made it plain by their votes and their willingness to step forward and join the new security forces that they want a new future without Saddam.

As hard as that is for some people to believe. But then some people have not had to live in a country where people are skinned alive.


  1. Forget the anti-war lefty moonbat types, the 'sensible' Dems are against this war because they think it's creating more jihadis than it's killing.

    Chris Matthews is an example. (Kaus, too).

    I say to them, that is the point. When you fight an enemy, he fights back. And others join in.

    And thus the enemy is demonstrating more and more to the world, but especially other muslims, how craven, nihilistic, and cruel they are.

    The Democracy project gives Iraqi's hope for their future that they never had before. That also fuels them to reject the jihadi's, which they are doing.

    Even the insurgents!

    If we had not invaded Iraq, if we had simply played a game of whack-o-terrorist, the apathy and quiet support in the muslim world for the jihadis would simply have continued.

    But now they see the forces of jihad as a danger to themselves as well. And the world needs the muslim world to reject them. We cannot win this war just by killing terrorists.

  2. Right, right, rightrightright--great insight--Iraqi-Joe sixpack sees himself as needed by the world--to stop the madness!

    Gotta be one of the virtuous circles trying to get itself spinning--

  3. peter:

    I heard that. I hope they got the son of a .......

  4. You do get the impression that mark imagines the US Army rattling around Iraq in APC's firing off bursts at every dark-skinned person they see, while the Air Force rains bombs from above.

  5. The outcry against the 'secret prisons' is absurd.

    We have secret prisons so we do not have to use rendition!

    Bush is treating these prisoners better than Clinton would have.

  6. peter:

    No doubt about that and if one of these sad old people dies tomorrow we can be sure the Human Rights Watch will not give a damn.

  7. And your point is?

    Mark, I've got to congratulate you. That's the single stupidest comment I've ever seen anyone make.
