Monday, January 30, 2006

Code Blue on Dr. Dean

Drudge (link may change later) has a 'Flash Report' that the DNC's dearth of cash is beginning to irritate (I'd say panic) party leadership. I would note that the actual December FEC report has not been posted as of this hour so real facts on the matter are in short supply. When I noted Dean's YTD performance in October it was picked up by the WaPo (non-attributed) and caused a little splash. In reviewing the November report I noted that cash on hand had improved but I remember thing to myself "this looks like they're stuffing invoices in a desk drawer". The cash on hand figure of $5.5 mil is significantly lower in December than November's $7mil plus, so I'll give myself a pat on the back (and next time I'll write up my suspicions).

How many dry holes will the Dem's allow Dean to drill before giving him the boot? The filibluster tactic is an obvious ploy to try and vacuum a little more dough out of the Koslander's wallets but I can confidently predict that it will fail. If there is one thing that can be said with great assurance of the Koslanders, it is that the full measure of their lack of courage is at least equal to their lack of convictions. In Texas I believe the saying is "All hat, no cattle."


  1. The FEC report is overdue Mark. Real facts (based upon the report) are going to change your LOL to SOL pretty quickly.

    DNC - Year End - Cash on Hand - $Mil

    2001 - 6.6
    2002 - 1.6
    2003 - 10.8
    2004 - 6.0
    2005 - 5.5?

    '05 should be compared to '01. Try and remember Mark - the Dems don't have the soft union money to work with anymore and they don't have half as effective tool in the MSM as they used to. It ain't a winning hand.

  2. Well, the Koslanders really and truly believe that Alito will will destroy this country. I read over half of a 450 comments thread this morning (I don't even remember where). They were certainly sincere in their belief that the Dems should filibuster even if it might not work. To them it was that important.

    Now as to whether they'll follow up with cash...

    as they say...


  3. Mark,

    If you are spending record amounts of money for fund raising then you would hope that record amounts were being raised, no? Party leadership is miffed because the objective of fund raising is to have more cash in the till at the end of the exercise than you had at the beginning.

    The party leaders know that the money extorted from union members is not available and they know that union dues did not drop and they know that no union member is going to reach for his wallet to chunk in more money than that which is currently being extorted. They also know that about 40% of union members wouldn't dream of voting Dem in the first place.

    Dean made promises that he's not keeping - because the initial premise was founded in folly.
