Saturday, January 28, 2006

J.B. Poersch asked me to pass this along.

These straight-up copies of Democrat talking points can get boring. So I thought I'd boil this one down for everyone...


Electing more Democrats to the Senate is the best way to stop George Bush and his right-wing allies from arrogantly abusing their power to advance their extreme agenda. And I have good news: in our efforts to take back the Senate, so far, we're winning.

Embattled Republican incumbents, including Rick Santorum in Pennsylvania and Conrad Burns [will win unless you...]

Click here to make a secure, online contribution of $50, $75, or more.

[Republicans like Santorum use "dirty tricks". To help us counter them...]

Click here to make a secure, online contribution of $50, $75, or more.

In Montana, incumbent Republican Senator Conrad Burns has plummeted in the polls [but we're still losing, and we cannot succeed unless you...]

Click here to make a secure, online contribution of $50, $75, or more.

Remember, the DSCC is the only national party organization solely dedicated to electing a Democratic Senate.


Please make a contribution today.


J.B. Poersch

Executive Director

P.S. You can also help our efforts by forwarding this message to your friends and family. Ask them to...

Click here to make a secure, online contribution of $50, $75, or more.

They're really hard up for money. They'd appreciate anything, as long as it's $50, $75, or more...


  1. Mark must be on the big money list. He's got all the information right on his fingertips.

  2. markg8:

    I did inadvertantly leave the links live, thanks for alerting me. I've modified them so that my address no longer shows up.

    Stop by any time. Not a lot of big money contributors in this neighborhood, but lots of good folks.

  3. Looks like the link to Splash didn't work. Here is another try:

    Splash Speaks
