via polipundit: Cindy Sheehan, fresh from her trip to Venezuala where she pandered to and slobbered all over Commie leader and Cocaine addict Hugo Chavez...will be in the audience at the SOTU tonight. Some nice Democrat gave her a pass. {she really was slobbering all over Chavez, I saw film of hugging and kissing and almost lost my lunch}
Will she behave? I wonder.
Another interesting post to check out at Michelle Malkins on the Palstinian riots complete with pics of burning Danish and Norwegian flags. It seems they are not believers in freedom of expression. Where is the left when you need them? Oh yes, that is right, they are sucking up to communists or making excuses for terrorists. Too busy to protect the freedom of speech or the press.
I just heard on Fox that Cindy Sheehan was lead away in handcuffs. It seems she tried to unfurl a banner. Needless to say she will be applauded by the Kos crowd. I wonder if these folks think rules don't apply to them?
ReplyDeleteYes it is. But you know what? She is crying on cue now and that bothers me.
She is not right.
I think she's on an adrenaline high--with her new star status.
ReplyDeleteWonder if she actually has any idea at all what Hugo Chavez really is.
ReplyDeleteI don't know but if there is a communist in the hemisphere whose butt she has not kissed it was an oversight. She is obviously working at being as far out there as she can get.
Hugo Chavez has signed a pact of cooperation with Iran and has flaunted his relationship with them. He has the worst the human rights record in the region.
I guess Cindy figured that any enemy of her country was a friend of hers.
I wonder if it occurs to anyone that her exhusband was that young man's father and he is grieving too. Without the fanfare.
Well, we all knew, didn't we, that as soon as the military started hot-pursuit of the terrorists, our hard-left would find and promote a Mother Sheehan. It's standard-operating-procedure for them--on any issue--to find some wounded soul and use the tear-streaked face to whoop through an agenda that cannot stand on any basis other than the romantic, sentimental, and (to enemies sworn against us) childlike.
ReplyDeleteI saw her on C-SPAN just before the SOTU at some sort of "Impeach Bush" gathering. I had never heard her speak before. Let's just say her public speaking skills could use a wee bit of polishing.
ReplyDeleteThat and her comprehension of the Constitution. She was rambling on that the Seperation of Powers had been destroyed because one party controlled both the Congress and Executive Office. In fact, such an atrocious abuse of the Constitution was one of the reason Bush should be impeached.
I wonder if these folks think rules don't apply to them?
ReplyDeleteUmm, yeah.
ReplyDeleteI can't help but think she's not doing her cause much good, except among the true believers.
Well the speech is over and the experts are bloviating.
ReplyDeleteBill Kristol said it was not conservative enough.
I liked it, but what do I know?
It seems to me that a State of the Union address is meant for the entire country, not just your party faithful.
There will be plenty of oppurtunities for Bush to speak to the choir.
I did think that little shouting contest over entitlements was interesting. He is right about that.
The Congress will have to deal with it.
Astoundingly stupid. Among other things, she started unfolding her banner, not just before the speech, but before most anyone was in the room. If she could have restrained herself for 10 minutes, she could have made an ass of herself on live TV.
ReplyDeleteI'm sure that Sheehan wanted to get arrested hoping to make a big deal of our "fascist" state to arrest the aggrieved mother. Either that or she is really that out of it. Either way, it doesn't play well for her side except for the DNC kos koolaid addicts.
ReplyDeleteEverybody likes to snort at committees and commissions, but forming one *is* a start--someone will now have to write a report, for the bipartisan commission that will be charged with studying the boomers' retirement effects on entitlements.
ReplyDeleteAfter she's bailed, will she claim 'torture'?
ReplyDeleteKristol is an intelligent man with a rather large blind spot that surrounds his head during waking hours. Not my favorite, either.
I thought the speech was OK. Not great but he tapped a few points that I found interesting - like nuke plants as a way to get off the oil ticks teat. I also liked the emphasis placed on additional basic research funding and trying to upgrade math skills at the elementary and secondary level. Having read back through the archives a bit over at Kitchen Table I'm puzzled as to why more parents don't lynch school boards en masse.
I also liked the card he laid down for Hamas and the vague promise of friendship to the Iranian people as well as the solid promise that they don't get no A-Bombs. Perhaps they'll remember that assurance after we finish delivering the J-Dams.
"If she could have restrained herself for 10 minutes, she could have made an ass of herself on live TV."
ReplyDeleteIf she does run for Office I plan on sending her twenty bucks. sleazey on my part for sure, but I figure it is a small price to pay for the vast amount of entertainment she'll certainly provide.
KozKidz reaction(s):
ReplyDeletei decided to stick with the summary on the first page...
"There is no doubt that we live in a police state in America under Bush."
the police state that prevented him from posting both the news and his opinions of it online.
(*rolls eyes*)
Cindy Sheehan arrested by Capitol Hill Police!! Updated
by ajc888
Tue Jan 31, 2006 at 06:48:31 PM PDT
CNN's Ed Henry has just reported that Cindy Sheehan has been arrested by Capitol Hill police just before she was to attend the SOTU address tonight. She was present at the invitation of a California Dem congress woman Lynn Woolsey. So far, there has been no indication of the cause for the arrest. There is no doubt that we live in a police state in America under Bush.
* ajc888's diary :: ::
News update - Ed Henry is now reporting that Cindy Sheehan was already present in the house chamber gallery when she was arrested. The cause of arrest was Sheehan's action in unfurling a banner. The contents of the banner are not yet known. Henry also stated that Capitol Hill police would hold Sheehan for at least one hour for questioning which is very convenient since Bush's SOTU speech is scheduled for approx. 45 minutes.
Tags: Cindy Sheehan, SOTU, Recommended (all tags)
ReplyDeleteThe commission is smoke and mirrors. Actuarial science isn't new nor is the probable answer unknown. 'Second half' boomers are not going to get full benefits until age 67 and the COLA is going to have the 1% "just because we love ya" add-on dropped.
It ain't rocket science.
ReplyDeleteI just can not seperate Kristol from Dan Quayle. Quayle was a lot smarter than people gave him credit for and people from the Hoosier state were not impressed with the work Bill did for him. Karl Rove he is not.
I am no expert on this but the other day I read a short article on ethanol. It seems that in Brazil they use it all the time and 3/4 of the cars are made to use both gas and ethanol.
I remember it from the 80's, but this is different and it seems more and more people are taking it seriously. I was surprised.
If I can find the article I will post a link.
ReplyDeleteHistory buffs they are not. They probably think a gulag is a Hungarian casserole.
I did notice that there was another mother there tonight who lost a son.
And she did not feel the need to make a spectacle of herself.
Rick, right, the facts are published everywhere--but yet, without some formal mechanism to get a few marquee Dems to call it by name, the actuarial time-bomb can stay hidden out in Area 51 with the rest of the UFOs.
ReplyDeleteWell, if corn keeps dropping and oil keeps going up at some point there will be a crossing of the lines on a graph and it will make sense to everyone.
The either/or on gas - ethanol plays hell with carburetion and the cylinders - it would be a happier day if the blend percentage were fixed and the engineers could work to a tighter range of combustion.
I'm holding off for a nuclear car. There are some people that I want to have ride next to the fuel tank on a long trip.
ReplyDeleteArea 51---isn't that where they're taking Cindy Sheehan in our police state?
Are those 70,000 'math and science professionals' going to saunter into the K12 system from outside the NEA ?
ReplyDeleteOh, my.
If there are people inside our country who are talking with al-Qaida, we want to know about it – because we will not sit back and wait to be hit again.
ReplyDeleteThe Dems sat on their hands after this line from SOTU. That does not look good for them.
ReplyDeleteI will see if I can find that article. I got the impression that scientists had found ways to deal with some of the problems.
It would seem that there would have to be a way.
ReplyDeleteThe fact that the only time they got excited was when they were applauding doing squat about Social Security does not look good either.
Vote for me, I sit around and do nothing.
ReplyDeletePerhaps the Dems are auditioning for the job of lavatory salesman.
ReplyDeleteAt least they didn't break into their "Hit us again, hit us again, harder, harder" cheer". I loved Landrieu and Blanco's expressions (on Fox) during the speech. I imagined an entire lemon stuck in their mouths.
There is definitely a way. It's being done now. It would just be easier if the mix ratio were fixed (in CA it's 10%) nationally and a phase in determined. Corn can't go up much either.
If I can find the article I will post a link.
ReplyDeleteThe WSJ had a good article on this, but it is premium content. Anyway, what between government pushing ethanol from sugar cane for thirty years and offshore oil discoveries, Brazil is now energy independent. In Brazil, ethanol actually costs less than gas for the same energy content these days.
At current prices, Brazil can make ethanol for about $1 a gallon, according to the World Bank. That compares with the international price of gasoline of about $1.50 a gallon. Even though ethanol gets less mileage than gasoline, in Brazil it's still cheaper per mile driven. As a result, ethanol now accounts for as much as 20% of Brazil's transport fuel market. The country's use of gasoline has actually declined since the late 1970s. The use of alternative fuels in the rest of the world is a scant 1%.
There is also a nice chart in the article, but I'm not sure it is kosher to post it.
ReplyDeleteI think the article I saw was on Forbes.
Energy independent. I would love to tell the denizons of the ME to drown in their oil.
All that wealth and it has brought nothing bu misery to those people, not just in the ME but in Africa as well.
It is like a curse.
Brazil is i think larger than the USA landmass-wise, and produces not only cars but airliners, too, for cryin out loud. Their markets have been straight up for the last several years--the bull market in commodities--esp those dug outta the ground--has really amped that economy.
ReplyDeleteThe article I read made the point that the ethanol had helped out the rural areas in Brazil by giving them something to sell right there.
Terrye, the curse of oil as an actual academic subject goes way way back (note Daniel Pipes' essay is from 1982--another era!), it's effects are quite visible even in some areas of the USA (shhh...*Louisiana*). It's akin to what we've been gnawing for days now--the cargo cult society.
ReplyDeleteThe oil thing is all about money, i.e., cost. If something else comes along that costs less, we'll use that instead. I'm sanguine about it for the first time in years, because the price of oil is getting sufficiently high that it's becoming economical to look for alternatives, and because technology has sufficiently improved that some of those alternatives are just barely feasible. I tend to think that nuclear will be an important part of the solution. Keep in mind that even if the price of oil gets sufficiently high to make ethanol et al. feasible, it doesn't mean that the usual oil tyrant suspects are going to go away. They'll keep their prices sufficiently low to remain competitive.
ReplyDeleteAs for them wasting their inheritance, the same can be said of many Westerners, in a different context. The freest, most tolerant large nation in the world is dubbed a "police state" by its own sons.
Yep--makes sense--I was in the Brazilian boonies a lot back in 70s/80s, and the common vehicle is a little three-wheel two-cycle car which blows clouds of exhaust and will run--up to around 20 mph--on damn near anything. Our engineered freeways are--no sarcasm--going to be trippy in those little things. Folks motor along and keep up three-way concersations--albeit shouted--with the cars on either side. In fact, I predict we'll like it, and soon find bizarre the idea of doing anything at all at 80 mph with other 80 mph people you don't even know coming straight at you and missing you by inches.
ReplyDeleteYep, Mark, 911 doesn't bother you, but the Sheehan loss does.
ReplyDeleteI guess that makes sense, since the Sheehan loss occurred in the prevention of more 911s.
I don't really 'get' the pretzel logic, but then again I'm not brilliant like you.
ReplyDeleteBlanco is toast and she knows it. Knowing La. as I do, my guess is that Landrieu still has a few lives left, unfortunately. Her family's political connections in the state are very deep, although she didn't exactly cruise to victory. Nonetheless, I'm sure her her punch the facerhetoric did not go over well with W.
The SOTU seemed strong on the fight we are in and the pursuit of liberty. The rationale and call to idealism is on target and something the opposing side has no answer for. He seemed to be telling the Iranins to stand up for themselves and gave no sense that military action is on the table at this moment.
ReplyDeleteI'm not a fan of laundry list stuff in SOTU, but that has become the way it is done. The addicted to oil rhetoric has an emotional appeal at many levels, but this shift is not going to happen soon, but it will happen largely because of economic forces and incentives that don't work on an artificial time table.
ReplyDeleteOn the NEA/Math professionals - there were only 12,500 Math BS degrees awarded in '03. That's versus 106,000 Ed degrees. Ed grads have a mean score of 475 on the GRE while Math grads mean is 620. Somewhere in there is the key to "Why Festus can't add."
I think that Landrieu is up in '08. Won't the situation on the NO recovery have some bearing on her chances?
...three-wheel two-cycle car which blows clouds of exhaust and will run--up to around 20 mph--on damn near anything.
ReplyDeleteThe WSJ mentioned Volkswagen -- they have a plant in Brazil -- as making a car with a selector switch that allows it run on either gas or ethanol. Getting all the service stations to carry ethanol was another thing the government had to do.
ReplyDeletePlease don't insult idiots by associating Mark with them. Many idiots are actually competent to live without minders and Mark has never presented one iota of evidence that would support that assumption in his case.
congress outlawed warrantless domestic intercepts in 1978
ReplyDeleteWhich makes FISA unconstitutional.
His other paranoid rantings best be left alone. And he accuses US of living in fear.
"If you don't like it then just ban me. I'll go over to KOS and post my responses there with links."
ReplyDeleteLOL. go ahead, punk, make my day!
A Ralph Peters essay--featured on Wretchard's current post--might help you, Mark, to grasp what it is that makes others so willing to accept a tightened domestic security policy.
ReplyDeleteYes we want it to be temporary--but first, we want its causation to be temporary.
Read the link--the second half is a bit repititious, but you can try to absorb the first page, at least.
It's easy to scoff at such material--so, please, just accept that many very serious people do not--and find others who seem to willfully (and for nothing more than short-term partisan politics) ignore and/or ridicule such information, to be, well, idiotic.
(quote from pg 2 of 2, Ralph Peters' essay)
ReplyDelete"It is astonishing that we have managed to hold the line as well as we have."
Be Spartacus! Well, at least buy Danish--start at the imported cheese section--
ReplyDeleteMark, I pointed to that essay in an attempt to open your eyes not to the policies in effect, but to the perception of the threat that many, many people absolutely believe. Sorry if you felt you had to springboard into the tunnel-vision liturgy again--that was not my intention.
ReplyDeleteWhen you say we should listen to each other, I was trying to facilitate your advice.
BTW, Tarawa was the battle that FDR first allowed pics of fallen Americans. The pics caused a very large drop-off in Marine recruitment--which was thankfully temporary--but very real.
Point--human nature does not include wanting to get killed. All the more reason to TRY to understand the nature of the threat--and the concomitant *real* support and gratitude our soldiers deserve. Conversly, anyone who *honestly* believes the sacrifice is in vain or fraudulent should be going absolutely nuts about the war.
But first they ought to ponder the American system, the democratic republic, the meaning of elected leaders, and then ask themselves what it is about the people who voted for this administration that makes them so much stupider than you guys.
Fox's 'saddam-trial ten-seconds' just now related that today the court heard testimony from a woman (behind a screen) who was hung upside down naked to watch the murder of her husband and children.
ReplyDeleteConnect THEM dots, Mark.
While we're on the subject of standards by which to judge the current war effort, look into the 1943 Sicily landings--US Navy AA gunners never got the message that a fleet of C-47s intended to night-overfly the anchorage, and they shot the formation to pieces--IIRC, twenty-some aircraft and hundreds of paratroopers KIA. Point? Good people doing their best under extreme stress can be imperfect.
But anyway, FDR shoulda been impeached over these repeated incidents. We'd still be fighting Hitler, but what the hey.
"...I want us to be better than them. That's how we win."
ReplyDeleteBut, we *are*, on both counts, better, and winning.
That's my whole point--we are better, we are winning, and you and your party have already established that you could've done it better--point taken--we got it--nuff said--
So now, as Peters reminds you of the depth of the enemy's zeal, isn't it worth entertaining the thought of maybe backing the *national* effort to get this thing over with?
You know yourself that you have Joe Leiberman to do it with, and backing him would un-sour the nation and elevate politics back to argumentation of policy rather than psychotic smearing--but--no can do, Sen. Joe's out of fricken FASHION. Feh.
ReplyDeleteThere--you typed it out--that Iraqi woman's ordeal (multiplied by God only knows what number)--and yet--and yet--not a word from the Democrats about the Ramsey Clark exhibition. Why is this? Why? Why?
ReplyDeleteSee, you can't help yourself--leave out the 'hairbrained' [ed. 'hare'] and you'd have a post with no auto-shut-offs. besides, he's the pres, how would YOU (or I) know if he's 'harebrained'? He has more info than we do, right?
ReplyDeleteThe WorldOpinion poll by Univ of Maryland--do you have the questions asked, and any audits of the results?
Good comments on the Sicily 'friendly-fire'.
You can be sick of anything you want to be sick of, Mark--but it doesn't change the facts.
ReplyDeleteHard to believe, but apparently that handshake in the 80s would've okayed everything Saddam later did, and from there possibly cost the future of civilization, if your people were running the country.
"...using these people as pawns in the Cold War" THAT's don't like how the Cold War ended up.
ReplyDeleteThe genesis is thought to be, a way for Krag and Grok to know that the other doesn't have a rock (weapon) in his hand.
ReplyDeleteSo, RR is responsible for Saddam, and there were no '90s' in between?
ReplyDeleteHow 'bout we root even earlier causes, and just blame Churchill, or Kublai Khan?
Blame *anybody* but Saddam, right?
But, whatever, don't sweat the women hanging upside down, they can't be helped, and they're Not In Your Name.
The airbrush, every lefty's favorite weapon.
So, post WWII history is a disaster and the conspiratorial republicans did it?
Well, I've worked very hard all morning on the well-considered, academic, point-by-point rebuttal that your post deserves, Mark:
I hardly know where to start--why not with a question--can you describe an alternate history? One where the big kahuna whoever it is will not be envied annd used as a domestic excuse for being lesser ("we aren't like the USA because the USA won't LET us!")?
ReplyDeleteAnd per your one hard point, re Goldwater--historians in Russia will tell you that Kruschev's meeting with fresh-victor JFK (Vienna?) set him on a mission to whup JFK--he thought JFK rollable, and all the provocations of that era came directly from that appraisal. IOW, the heroic performance of JFK wrt Cuban Missile crisis would've been BEST handled by never having had the crisis to begin with--which credit would've redounded to Nixon, who--hate to embarrass you--was JFK's opponent. The presidency which Goldwater would've averted is the one you yourself just called 'nuts'--LBJ's. and, you should read up on Goldwater the man--the groundbreaking things he did for his co. employees before he ever entered politics--the way he quietly flew wounded vets home to Arizona--personally--at the controls of his plane. the way he treated women in business, in the hard glass-ceiling era. then reaD HIS SPEECHES, HIS PLATFORM, HIS VOTING RECORD. YOU'LL SEE, THE aTOMIC BARRY CARTOON YOU HAVE IN YOUR HEAD IS THE WORK OF THE FIRST GREAT aMERICAN MODERN SMEAR CAMPAIGN.
Ah--geez--I can't type--have to look at keyboard--didn't see i'd hit capslock--leaving it as is--too much trub to re-do. read as small-type, willya?
Oh a few all caps won't bother marky, he was using them himself a few days ago when he was accusing all here as being manipulated, brainwashed and cultish.
ReplyDeleteYou are right in what you say above BL, but that makes no difference to marky. Not only does he have an alternate history, I think he truly lives in an alternate world.
You are a patient man for trying to reach him. Of course having been around goats a bit myself I can kinda understand where some of the patience comes from. They can be ornery creatures.