Friday, January 13, 2006

Under Clinton, NY Times called surveillance "a necessity"

I don't have a lot new to say above what William Tate said, except to emphasize that as the whole NSA "domestic spying" thing went on, I pointed out that it was done under the Clinton administration too, and under the same justifications.

The American Thinker

Apparently, it only bothers the New York Times during wartime. It couldn't be any political consideration.


  1. I think certain things are clear.

    A) The NYT is a Democratic newspaper advocating the Democratic agenda. Anything else is pretense.

    B) The NYT is an advocate for what it perceives to be its side. It is not disinterested; it is trying to give the best case for the side it believes itself to be on, whether that is the Democrats vis-a-vis the Republicans or the East Coast elite vis-a-vis the Utahns.

    The real question, it seems to me, is: how did they get themselves into the position that we care? They are unelected, a profit-making entity, so who died and made them God?

  2. "Even the Evil Gubmint, even when controlled by the JEWS and Neocons and Halliburton and Karl Rove cannot monitor the number of phone calls and emails sent around the US and world."

    Sure we can. We can create hurricanes and direct them only at poor people.

    We are actually in the process of establishing the Utah Re-education Center and Salt Mine and making lists of 13%ers who have won free lifetime scholarships.

    Wait 'til you see pictures of the Mark8 'Stuck on Stupid' wing.

  3. Good old mark.

    But there's no evidence Clinton abused this system and even Porter Goss says so.

    There is also no evidence that Bush abused this system. None at all.

    Clinton obeyed the law. Whenever the NSA used the system to spy on people in the US under him they went to the FISA court and got a warrant.

    Clinton may have obeyed the law. But if the Echelon system works as reputed there is no way that judges signed off on every intercept. By definition it involves random searching through massive amounts of data, presumably looking for certain key bits of information.

  4. Sure we can. We can create hurricanes and direct them only at poor people.

    But.....we missed....more affluent white people were killed.....

  5. "But.....we missed....more affluent white people were killed..... "

    Nobody's perfect.

    Look, if you've got a problem with this, speak up. Utah is a big state - there's lots of room for you.

  6. That's right Mark--keep jawboning, foreshadowing, hinting darkly, insinuating, alluding, implying, and generally throwing turdballs at the wall. Don't let being 0-for-thousands slow you down--hell--who knows--the law of averages ought to get some little something to 'stick' someday.

    But I dropped in to say thanks for the excellent AT article.

  7. There is? There is? How do you know?

  8. I was looking at the anchoress , and it seems the terrorists may have changed their habits in order to evade detection.

    Not good if true.

  9. knucklehead:

    I like the anchoress, I know some people think she is too relgious, but I like her righteous anger.

  10. My lord, that is a powerful, powerful essay by the anchoress. Never read her before--thank you, Terrye. This essay will not be finished dry-eyed by very many people.

  11. The same mentality that shot the Czar's little children to pieces in that basement room, 'in the name of the people'?

  12. The sad thing is, Ellen Ratner is of a type that's very powerful in the party, folks who have not the foggiest notion of history, geopolitics, political philosophy, economics, ANYTHING, but play hard as if to win a fraternity or sorority campus popularity contest.

  13. It's not something that can be required, but in earlier times, the graybeards in the parties made sure their spokespeople wouldn't embarrass them. That was back when there was "embarrassment".

  14. Hearings? It should be fun to watch Biden tripping over his tongue and asking 4 questions every 30 mnutes. And maybe Ted "Splash" Kennedy can find some obscure magazine article to read over and over again (provided he can remember where he put his glasses). And Schumer....well who cares.

    I mean are we really going to see anything of substance from hearings anyways. The legislature is not the branch of government who decides whether something is illegal. That's what the judicial branch does. With that in mind, and with the shameful smearing or Alito by Demoncrats, now you can see why they are trying to delay his appointment to the court....

  15. Dems are so far gone, even a decent pol like Harold Ford--caught between hard-bit leftists like the Kennedys and the ding-dongs like Ratner--never seems to be able to come down solidly anywhere on anything...not without some little caveat somewhere in one of the sentences--to leave him a way to maneuver inside the Great Dem Tower Of Babble. It's just a freaking mess's mess, a Saturn eating its young.

  16. Doubly intense--the work, and that a human can see those things.

  17. KnuckleHead,

    I say if the "foo sh"....oops I mean if the "shoe fits".

    I dunno about you, but if I'm going to buy a pre-paid cell phone, it is usually one - not in quantities of 5, 10, 50...etc, at a time.

  18. Check out the call for Rocky to come clean over at MacsMind.

  19. Macsworld to Murtha:

    If the President wanted your two cents Jarhead he would have asked for it. Quite frankly, we can get the same advice you're offering from Osama. "Yes, get out, you're really causing a problem here!"

    Har, Macsworld has a way with words, alright.

  20. Question: Todays dem left-wing wins control of the gov't, how long 'til the North American Boat People?
