Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Bush's Words

via The Anchoress Bush's words at Mrs. King's funeral. Too bad everyone couldn't have been this gracious.

We gather in God’s house, in God’s presence, to honor God’s servant, Coretta Scott King. Her journey was long, and only briefly with a hand to hold. But now she leans on everlasting arms. I’ve come today to offer the sympathy of our entire nation at the passing of a woman who worked to make our nation whole.

Americans knew her husband only as a young man. We knew Mrs. King in all the seasons of her life — and there was grace and beauty in every season. As a great movement of history took shape, her dignity was a daily rebuke to the pettiness and cruelty of segregation. When she wore a veil at 40 years old, her dignity revealed the deepest trust in God and His purposes. In decades of prominence, her dignity drew others to the unfinished work of justice. In all her years, Coretta Scott King showed that a person of conviction and strength could also be a beautiful soul. This kind and gentle woman became one of the most admired Americans of our time. She is rightly mourned, and she is deeply missed.

Some here today knew her as a girl, and saw something very special long before a young preacher proposed. She once said, “Before I was a King, I was a Scott.” And the Scotts were strong, and righteous, and brave in the face of wrong. Coretta eventually took on the duties of a pastor’s wife, and a calling that reached far beyond the doors of the Dexter Avenue Baptist Church.

In that calling, Dr. King’s family was subjected to vicious words, threatening calls in the night, and a bombing at their house. Coretta had every right to count the cost, and step back from the struggle. But she decided that her children needed more than a safe home — they needed an America that upheld their equality, and wrote their rights into law. (Applause.) And because this young mother and father were not intimidated, millions of children they would never meet are now living in a better, more welcoming country. (Applause.


  1. RogerA said:

    Terrye--the whole Coretta King funeral is a terrible case study in the divide in American Politics today--I dont honestly know what kind of woman she was--by all accounts she could have been a Katheryn Battle on the opera; she chose to marry a husband whose civil rights views meshed with hers; and he was taken as husband and father in a senseless act of violence.

    That said, when it came time to remember her life, what did we see--a sitting President who would have been roundly condemned if he hadnt shown up--and who, as you point out made the most gracious remarks than any one else in a six hour orgy of self gratification.

    The only other person who made what I think came close to personal remarks were (ironically)President Clinton who asked they remember the woman--not the symbol, not the political opportunity, but the wife and the mother--say what you will about Clinton (and I have said my share) he has a sense of whats right to say.

    The rest of the six hour show was nothing more than political hacks propounding their biases and prejudices, and I doubt a hell of a lot of them (1) knew Coretta Scott King or (2) cared about her--the poor woman died a painful death from pancreatic cancer--maybe--just maybe--someone should have said we need to do something about pancreatic cancer.

    The only person on the podium with class, was the President--and he couldnt win--the rest of the drooling sychophantic braying jackasses, preened, postured and muttered politically correct things.

    The bottom line? Coretta Scott King was a not whole lot different than any soldier's wife who has died in Iraq, or Viet Nam or in any other far flung place; those women are not remembered; and quite frankly, Coretta Scott King is not remember for WHO SHE WAS--
    she was remembered for who her husband was, and the fact it was a chance to preen on a national stage for some really warped people.

    As Joseph Welch said: "have you no sense of decency?" And regretably, few do. The whole spectacle was an outrage against decency and respect.

  2. rick:

    There was one difference, as a general rule the soldier's wife does not have her home bombed or her children threatened with death.

  3. Terrye,

    That really is RogerA's comment. I just corrected and reposted it. I have no comment to make concerning Mrs. King or her husband.
