Tuesday, February 14, 2006


... is an idiot. I'd expand on that, but Glenn Reynolds already said it:
To win this war, we need to kill the people who want to kill us. But we need to win over the rest. The terrorists of Al Qaeda want to polarize things so that it appears to be a war of Christianity against Islam, of America and the West against all Arabs and Muslims. With remarks like [the "raghead" remarks], she's helping their cause, not ours. Call it "objectively pro-terrorist."


  1. She also was running ehr mouth about killing presidents and Supreme Court justices and it seems she was not done publicly humiliating Harriet Miers and felt the need to attack the woman yet again.

    Coulter does far more harm than good. She is Michael Moore's alter ego.

  2. and splat went mark.

  3. But ... what about free speech?

    All of what Glenn said is true. But that is also why it was a poor move on our part to help the extremists hype the silly cartoon story.

  4. What do you use, terrye? 28 gauge? That works well on smaller varmints.

  5. flenser:

    I am more primitive than that. I use a chain saw. I am a hands on close up kind of hunter.
