Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Danish Cartoons Update

The Danes cave, receive a bomb threat as a reward, but are backed up by France-Soir and two German newspapers who publish the cartoons themselves. "Auf der Titelseite von „France-Soir“ hieß es: „Ja, wir haben das Recht, Gott zu karikieren.“ On the front page of France-Soir it asserts: "Yes, we have the right to caricature God." Did Europe suddenly discover a set of cojones somewhere? Who woulda thunk it?

...But this just in: France-Soir editor loses his job for it.
Oh well, you knew it was too good to last.


  1. The owner of France Soir, an Egyptian, Raymond Lakah...

    The editor may have had an inkling this would happen.

  2. David, if leFranc hasn't been beaten to death by the police, I think you're exaggerating.

    Honest to God, other than not liking France much, do you have any evidence for this basically silly assertion? Have you been in Iran? have you been in France? Have you heard any French bloggers on hunger strikes to protest being imprisioned for their blogs?

    I mean, really, this is tinfoil hat material.

  3. A Spanish, Italian and Dutch paper have followed suit. So where;s the anglosphere?

  4. Denmark did not cave.

    They apologized for offending people, yet asserted their right to publish.

  5. Notice how marky is completely silent on this subject.

  6. I am glad to see at least some of the Europeans, especially the French, exhibiting some back bone.

    Maybe listening to the mad mullah blame them for the existence of Israel was too much for them. Especially when they had weeks of riots.

    It seems that VanGogh's public and gruesome murder really got to the Danes.

    I don't think Europe is over... or France for that matter. I don't expcet them to start acting like red state Republicans..but they ain't dead yet.

  7. MHA:

    Gee, do you think we might make Islamic jihad by posting the picture?

    One can hope.
