In Saudi Arabia last Sunday former Vice President Al Gore addressed the Jeddah Economic Forum, and, in a resounding yet MSM-buried flip-flop of the dreary mantra that the Bush Administration is "soft on the Saudis", announced that the administration has in fact been treating the Saudis very badly indeed. Flares into Darkness is now able to reveal exclusive and hitherto unpublished photos of this staggering event.
"The worst thing we can possibly do is to cut off the channels of friendship and mutual understanding between Saudi Arabia and the United States."
America committed "TERRIBLE ABUSES" against Arabs after the 911 attacks!
Arabs have been "INDISCRIMINATELY ROUNDED UP" and held in "UNFORGIVABLE" conditions!
James Taranto has some observations worth a read, and he refers to Tigerhawk's in-depth rumination on the meaning of this person who, in this time of great danger to all the peoples of the Earth, and to all that our ancestors have bequeathed us, so very nearly became the leader of the free world.
Providence had mercy on our souls, and Providence, in the razor-thin margin of that mercy, sent us a little message that we should all hope and pray we not forget.
--Posted by Buddy Larsen
ReplyDeleteMark, here's the nut graf from your post: "They include photographs of six corpses, although the circumstances of their deaths are not clear."
ReplyDeleteAnything "unclear" is automatically connected to US soldiers at Abu Ghraib? Good idea--no sense in besmirching the reputations of terrorists when there's that horrid ole Uncle Sam handy.
Yeh--what's the point?
ReplyDeleteThat a million-person organization that exists for the purpose of fighting, will occasionally attract a few people who might go nuts under pressure?
Big Huge Human Nature Insight, that.
In fairness to Mark, he didn't troll it back up, Google News is covering CNN covering an Aussie TV program. The round-up is currently featured alongside the round-up of the latest Cartoon Riots.
ReplyDeleteGood ole freedom of the press, if there's riots over it, by all means use some more of it to flame the riots higher. Get them archives out, and time the releases judiciously (NYTimes-style), or heads will roll. Er, "so" heads will roll.
Ah, hell, i knew that walking around upside down would eventually catch up wi' them Ozzies.
ReplyDeleteMorgan's chart -- the JII index -- perfectly reinforces Samuelson.
ReplyDeleteThe PoMoism that JFKennedy first made famous, in his wry observation of it, that "perception is reality" is one o them False Prophets, I think.
From Mark's link, the blogger addressing Tigerhawk:
ReplyDelete"You are pro-Bush - pro the man who made and maintains torture as US policy. You are pro-Republican - pro the party which most strongly defends and endorses this policy. And, most importantly, you have joined in in the smearing of people like Amnesty International, Dick Durbin (temporarily), and now Al Gore - whose opposition to torture, and the supporters of and apologists for torture, is unqualified."
Mark, I'm sorry, but there's so much false premise in the very first para that I could read no further.
Try this on your friends, Mark: If the torture happening in the fighting of terrorism is given a value of "1", then what would you imagine the value to have been of the torture that had been happening under the two deposed terrorist regimes ?
ReplyDeleteThere IS a true number, you know, that despite our inability to know it perfectly, nevertheless *does* exist, as a 'truth' within the realm of 'objective reality' --much like the existence of rock, water, wind, earth, fire, and other stuff like that.
ReplyDelete"Neighbor, my kitchen is on fire, I need your water hose!"
ReplyDelete"No, neighbor, you can't use my water hose--it's only for watering daisies."
"But when my house really flames up, yours will catch afire, too."
"Hmm, maybe I oughtta think this through awhile."
"Fine. How long do you need? It'll soon be too late."
"Hmm, you mean 'time' is a factor?"
"Of course it is, you idiot!"
"Oh, so I'm an idiot? Well, screw your fire, then."
Parable, Mark.
Al: "Yes, I'll speak--where at, what's my fee, and what do you want me to say?"
It's the Fire Dep't that needs the hose. What's your prob w/ Nordquist?
ReplyDeleteThe government has its own political party, Mark. It's called "the Democrats".
ReplyDeleteThis party is internally wired to make the whole country into 'the government'.
Somebody has to resist this circuit, for otherwise the generator will short out.
ReplyDeleteGood post. I think we dodged a bullet when this crazy son of a b**** lost that election.
Yes guys like mark get upset about what they think is torture, but if the Saudis want to lob off some unwed mother's head...hey to each his own.
This whole torture thing is stupid.
There is no torture. As much as the left wants there to be. AbuGhraib was an exception to the rule and people went to jail. And even then there was no torture, not the kind carried out routinely by Saddam Hussein. In fact if it were up to them he would still be skinning people alive. The hypocrites.
I think I heard Myers say that in all the thousands of people held in custody, 38 have died in cases that were considered homicides. That is 38 too many but it is not indicative of blatant widespread abuse.
But then again if you are mark and you want to impress upon the American people that you believe the average American soldier is a war criminal then beating this dead horse some more is definitely the way to go.
And then go suck up to the Saudis.
And then refuse to put the cartoons in the paper. AbuGhraib pics that might get some soldiers killed?? Hell yes, print em all...but cartoons of the Prophet. My no, we must after all kiss ass for the crazy people. birds of feather and all.
ReplyDeleteI am back.
And I wish you would go away. You have no desire to debate.
And you know what? If it is left to the Democrats programs like Social Security will die because they refuse to come up with alternatives to keep them alive. They just bitch and promise.
So take your demagoguery and choke on it.
Terrye -- in order to prevent the possiblity that one out ten or a hundred thousand American soldiers might get too rough with the enemy, it is better to leave 55 million people under the pain of torture and death, 30,000 or so per year routinly murdered horribly, at the whim of an organization of a few thousand psychotic homicidal megalomaniacs.
ReplyDeletePeter, Hillary in a burqua? Hmm, disregard my previous para.