Saturday, February 11, 2006

Jimmy Carter has a bad memory

Jimmy Carter made a point at the funeral of Mrs. King to bash Bush for wire taps. But it was the Truong case from the Carter years that was used as precedent by the Bushies for the present day NSA program. I guess Jimmy forgot. Details at Powerline .


  1. Great, Mark went bye-bye, and now I'm addressing Terrye, I think. God Save Me.

  2. If you copy and paste the portion of the comment to which you are replying it will be as if the Unwelcome Mat had not been snatched from under his feet.

    It ain't that hard - although pecking seeds from the manure pile may not be worth the effort.

  3. Mark = Cedarford

    Flares /= Belmont Club

  4. In the spirit of keeping Miz Terrye's barn clean, I must point out to Rick that snatching an unwelcome mat from under someone's feet is an act of making that someone 'welcome' rather than 'unwelcome'.

  5. Buddy,

    Not if there's a pit of vipers under the Unwelcome Mat.

    My wager is that this is a job for Mark - when the Dems wonder where Dr. Dean spent the dough - Mark gets a few crumbs.

    If you watch the blogs with a political slant that allow comments you will see the same info dumped out the lefty emesis basin into comments continuously. I'm not saying that Flares is Mark's sole assignment - he has to have other assignments under other anonymous aliases. I am fairly sure that there is a centralized data depository that specializes in the "A is not equal to A" logic so beloved by the lefties. At least I've yet to see signs of an original thought in anything that Mark writes.


    No - Cedarford works for another group - different headgear entirely.

  6. Peter:

    I am afraid I can't take credit for it.

    But I do offer my thanks to whoever sent the boy packing.

    Back to the subject at hand, the left has made the mistake of knee jerk response once again. They heard Bush and they heard wire tap and they just went to pieces.

    BTW I saw Jane Harmon{D} on Fox yesterday and she said the program is a good one and the characerterization of it in the NYT was false.

    Imagine that, the NYT getting the facts wrong. Will wonders never cease?

  7. peter:

    I do take credit for kicking mark off a day or so ago, but if he was shooed away today it was some other yargbie what done the deed.

  8. If you notice, he's getting less and less doctrinaire. Give him time, it's gonna dawn on him that the biggest difference between the two parties these days is the level of lyin'.

    In fact, the facts are so arranged, by the forces of nature as it were, that the lyin' level is now the First Difference.

    Up to about 20% of total statements being lies, one will find oneself a 'conservative', which now means 'conservative of as much truth as politics will allow'.

    Most conservative lies are lies of omission (they will omit referring to anything good Clinton may've done, as it is important to keep the whole snake--oops, bad metaphor--oh well--in the bag.

    The other party, forming the other factor in the inverse power law, tells the truth 20% of the time, as 20% of the truth is too baldly apparent to ignore. It then labors mightily (see the G8's smokin' keyboard) to make a virtue of that necessity.

    This could all be settled if only a running "lyin'" quantification could be kept on the national debate. Something like a stock-market ticker.

  9. I think I did it. That little garbage can icon is just so inviting....

  10. Yep--wonder if there's any pizza in there?

  11. roger:

    They learn just enough to make a point. But they forget not everyone is that stupid.

  12. Society of Subversion....Democrats

  13. You know, Roger, it's an interesting point. I agree, I'd love to see more reasoned responses. But --- I've got a friend who is otherwise a very smart, very well-informed person. When it comes to politics, though, he not only repeats the same talking points, he seems to have lost all powers of critical thoght. most recent example I can think of, he was repeating COL (née BG) Karpinski's story of female soldiers dying of thirst rather than risking having to pee in the middle of the night, because they might get raped.

    Now, neglecting (1) the fact that these are armed women, (2) who could certainly have done a buddy system, (3) and there weren't actually any fatalities of women of the rank Karpinski named for any reason while she was in the OA, there's the final reason, which is that you can't die of thirst overnight, and long before you die of thirst you'd become a casualty and be evac'ed anyway.

    I mean, for God's sake, just think a little.

  14. Off the edge of the fitness landscape, "be Dragons".

  15. surely Markg8's Belmont Club equiv was DS, no? C4 is quite another animal

  16. I always figured C4 for a David Duke type.

    Either that or his apparent combining of founding fathers conservatism with isolationism and racism was just a clever way to discredit the American ideal from the dizinformatzia front.

  17. Buddy,

    Maybe American educated but he definitely unwraps his hat and folds it up every evening.

    Ex-Dem - Yeah Mark is closer to DS than C4 but the effect overall will be the same. Gresham's law only works if the bad are allowed to stay. Volokh is having problems in the same way that BC still is. You get a few real whiners going - with people responding to them - and the comments are shot.

    I don't mind a Marcus type (Roger's) or a Kevin (BC) but a DS or C4 or Mark will kill decent commenting.

    Mark had a shot and blew it.

  18. Mark, it's not your positions on the issues that causes problems, it's the combination of harsh tone, calculated insult, deliberate mischaracterization, and half-baked bumper-sticker talking points du jour.

    Not that you're always a pill, but that you're a pill plenty often enough.

    Would be nice to see an academic or ethical argument for the left's traditional philosophy--rather than the continual inch-deep twisting of events into the conspiratorial spawn of the minions of Chimpy McHitlerbush.

  19. just try picturing
    running for office in 2008.

    would his own party vote for him??

    is he past the legal age,BTW?

  20. as i think i've said before,
    marky mostly wants a little luvin'.

    mark may actually be bright enuff
    to see most of the sources
    for his talking points
    have little to do with the real world
    aside from their very real out-of-control emotional problems.

    *any* attention
    is better than no attention.

    perfect definiton of
    an (adolescent) troll mentality.

  21. BC has now taken a downward turn w/OUT Cedarfart!
    I'll try my hand at stupid:
    How do you die of thirst from not peeing?

  22. Yeah, I know, you die thirsty, but that's not what I mean.

  23. That's a nicely appropriate link, Doug, per deconstructing Mark's poor political showing amongst the readers here.

    Poor bastid ain't got a platform to work with.

  24. "BC has now taken a downward turn w/OUT Cedarfart!"

    Funny, some people just won't return to a place where an antisemite was given free rein for too long. And where the proprietor doesn't discourage one of the worst defeatists now posting.

  25. Good point on Hillary/senate race--but you Dems will have to hope the net won't have continued curing amnesia in the run-up to 2008.

    McCainism is a media phenom--whereby yer partisan Dem journos get to play 'fair & balanced'. This is a small theater, yes, but with continually amplifying self-referential reviewing.

    Obama letter was deserved, approprite--and also an example of McCain grandstanding.

  26. McCain is carrying enough baggage so that the Dem propaganda organs are quite happy to ply him up - until he gets the nomination. Then the "nutter" issue will be played like a brass band.

  27. Rick, I still think anti-Semitism on display is its own antidote. Up to a point, that is.

    That stinkflower bloom of C4's got a lot of pro-Israel sentiment out onto the blog.

  28. "That stinkflower bloom of C4's got a lot of pro-Israel sentiment out onto the blog."

    Absolutely. For the first ten times or so. Then it became a pile of manure that many were unwilling to wade through in order to participate. Between Jew baiting and the Yellow Peril, C4 had very little to say, yet he said it interminably and repetitiously. Same goes for Desert Rat now - the needle's stuck and he adds nothing to any thread he is on.

    Mark just pumps out of the Kos septic tank and he can go and pump somewhere else.

  29. Melissa,

    OK. We'll try that for a while. I wish we had the ability to edit comments as does Andrea Harris over at Tim Blair's. Then we could leave them up with minor "improvements".

  30. Nah, don't add a marker to the deleted post--leave it as is--then we can just make up posts and pretend we're answering one that was subsequently deleted. Like,

    "No, Mark, I think your idea of New Jersey and Nevada seceding from the union and becoming the Syndicated States of America is a little outlandish, even if you *are* offering top-drawer swag for political support."

    "No, Mark, I've never tried cannibalism, and don't plan to, so you can quit posting those recipes (tho the one with piquante sauce doesn't sound all that bad if substitute say chicken or pork for 'person').

    "Well, I guess you must feel better, Mark, getting that off your chest, but you really should take it to the police, confess, and get that innocent guy off death row."

    ...and on like that.

  31. Mark, 100 kilos of plywood is a not inconsiderable offer, but "The Englishman" is said to have MI5 connections, and so, I think you're gonna have to raise the ante a bit.

  32. I tested the theory that if you argue with a defeatist long enough, you'll end up sounding like one.
    It works.

  33. Rick 8:52,
    Mike Reagan did a phone in interview with him when he was on the bus.
    Lost it *completely* and hung up on him!
    ...wonder if that would be too much work for those MSM types to remember/recover.
    If they have to move out of their DC Zone or equivalent, they can't be bothered.

  34. Doug,

    That's just one out of many. McCain has a very, very small fan club among those who have had actual contact with him. If any politician can be said to exist in a "bubble" - McCain's the one.

  35. I guess if he was running as our candidate they would tho' since there's always 1 or 2 that will leave no stone uncovered or remanufactured when POTUS is on the line.
    If not the NYTimes will outsource it to and Al Jiz Stringer.

  36. Does Phhhht! mean he's gone, or gongned?

  37. Dear Mr. Uk,

    The quality of the flea circus has to improve substantially before the Flit gun can be lain aside. Cut and paste (with minor editorial changes) allows appropriate response without allowing the actual parasite to maintain more than an ephemeral presence.

  38. not only that effrontery, but he had the effrontery to send me to the dictionary, where i found out that i was very, very effronted.

  39. "Jimmy Carter is a bad memory"
    And a sad Presence.

  40. It's amazing how low Marks conversation gets when he has completely lost any way to defend his party.

  41. He thinks he's mocking the rest of us, none of whom would ever say anything like that about the daughter. Shame on you, Mark.

    Carter would not attract all the opprobrium if wasn't such a mean and ugly little shrimp-ass prick. But the womenfolk are off-limits. Not because they're womenfolk, but because they don't slander the oppo party every chance they get. Note I said 'slander'--like 'effrontery', it too has an actual definition.

  42. Sorry, folks, I didn't notice the resolution to leave mark-marks when we delete his posts. One of them is in Davy Jones', unmarked, unnoticed, unloved, unsung.

    Who has the cards?

  43. Mark, do you think I'm Barbara Bush? But I know you're 'Mark'.

  44. I thought he might just be overcoming the viscous drag of the gloopy fluids in his cranium.
    Oh, well, now we'll never know.

  45. So, Mark, we can't--on a blog, mind you, where you should be able to speak directly--distinguish between the real and the trumped-up political?

  46. Can't you just picture 500,000 Kos Kids singing "Tomorrow Belongs to Us"?

    Sadly, I can.

    In Farsi.
