Wednesday, February 15, 2006

News tonight, WMD and Cheney

According to Drudge abc will be running a story on Saddam's WMD tapes. hmmmmmm.

Could it be that Saddam moved the weapons out of the country? Of course it could.....we did not exactly sneak up on the bastard.

And Brit Hume will be airing an interview with Dick Cheney on the hunting accident. He does say he is sorry for shooting his friend, but fails to grovel for the Washington Press Corps. Silly man thought it was more important to deal with the problem at hand than kiss up to reporters. Imagine that. Now that is a far cry from the days of Bubba.

[Update, Seneca, at 14:30 MST: I think this comment from Protein Wisdom pretty well sums it up:
That’ll teach Cheney’s people to waste time notifying the police when they should have been notifying the authorities.


  1. kncuklehead:

    Thanks for the heads up on NightLine. I just plain missed that. I think Ted has moved on but like you..I don't watch anymore.

    I have heard a lot of interesting things about the tape, but I have no idea if it is a smoking gun or not.

    The truth is even the people who accuse Bush of lying have to admit that most of the world [including Bill Clinton] believed there were stockpiles in Iraq and to this day they can show no real evidence of how and when the weapons were disposed of. People just "surmise".

    And you know they found enough in terms of poscribed programs and material to make you wonder if there might no be more somewhere else.

    But there are a lot of people who will not believe it no matter what evidence ever comes to light.


    But you know we never even landed on the moon - that was all a government/hollywood gimic (I'm laughing at that thought even as I write it - government and Hollywood conspiring....guffaw). So I guess it's not unreasonable to think that these tapes are just that - it's probably Rove in disguise.

  3. Bah, why bother covering this piddling story when there are more Abu Ghraib pictures to be published?

  4. Abu Ghraib, man... they don't have to think twice about whether or not they will publish them do they?

    I say we hit the streets and rant and rave and threaten to kill people. That seems to be the way one goes about earning respect from the media.
