Thursday, February 02, 2006

Public Decorum

Whatever ever happened to manners? It seems that there is nothing that is out of bounds today, including wearing a T-shirt to the State of the Union Address. I don't know if arresting Cindy Sheehan was out of line or not, but asking her to leave was not. I am tired of people acting as if they are playing a part in some Sitcom. How about a little class for a change?

BTW it seems that Ms. Sheehan was not the first person to be removed from the Gallery for turning her chest into a billboard.

Via Drudge a man named Dave Delp was removed from the Congressional Gallery during Clinton's impeachment trial for wearing a T-shirt that said Clinton doesn't inhale he sucks. Have these kind of antics become acceptable?

We were not fancy people but when I was growing up but my mother would not go to a public function without making sure the hat, the shoes, the bag and the gloves matched. Her hair was done, her makeup was on and her seams were straight. What happened? When did we get so damn tacky?


  1. "When did we get so damn tacky?"


    vide Fress Speech Movement/Mario Savio/Berkeley

    The banana peel may have been layng on the ground prior to that but good ole Mario took a running jump and landed on it with both feet. The 'Beats' of the '50's did their very best to get things going but it took Savio to publicize the skid.

  2. I remember those days, too. These days when a get an invitation--especially to something on the West Coast--that says Casual or informal dress, I'm at a loss.Underwear? Bathing suit?

  3. No wonder the gear the Hollywood crowd wears to the Oscars is so expensive--they're the only ones who ever buy that stuff.

    Me, if I were invited to the SOTU and didn't have something decent to wear (and I don't) I would decline the invitation.

    Sweatshirt and jeans just don't cut it--I'd be soooo embarrassed. I mean, the SOTU? WTF is it with these people? I'm not THAT old.

  4. I believe that Sheehan wanted to be thrown out, as that would create the biggest spectacle. There are rules for that event, and others have been thrown out, as recently as Clinton. Her sponsor knows the rules, as you don't simply buy tickets to the SOTU from a scalper. This will likely be red meat for potential donors to her Senate campaign. It is quite sad that she insists on doing this to herself, but she is an adult and is therefore responsible for her behavior. After sucking up to Hugo Chavez, she has exhausted any pity and excuse making that can be offered.

  5. Let's not forget that dressing down is a symbol of solidariety with the masses. That's the origin and the earliest symbolic gesture of (to my knowledge) goes back to Giuseppe Garibaldi and his red bandana and slouch hat (although a good case can be made for the bareassed sans culottes of the French revolution being the trend setters).

    Just gotta show'em you're a Man Of The People as you climb into your limo.

  6. Well, honestly, I wouldn't go so far as going back to 'dressing up' for work--depending, of course, on what the job is.

    I really don't believe the way you dress affects your work habits--again depending on the job--or anything else. To me most dresscodes are simply rules for rules' sake.

    What I object to is the disrespect for the Office of the President of the United States. I feel that is entirely different.

  7. It is about respect.

    When you think of my mom, think of Jennifer Jones. That is what she looked like once upon a time.
