Alberto Gonzales' Department of Justice is to be congratulated. After only two months of investigation they have the New York Times wailing and slobbering as never before. Don't Risen and Keller and Sulzberger like Kansas? Do they have something against the heartland? Admittedly, the view from a cell at Leavenworth doesn't compare to the view from a Fifth Avenue penthouse but they made their choice and all choices have consequences.
I was particularly struck by the Times apologist's touching concern for the illegal combatants held at Gitmo. We're force feeding terrorists who could have been justifiably shot five minutes after capture and the Times is sobbing about their treatment. With a little luck perhaps the writers will be able to entertain us with stories of how convicted traitors are treated within the Federal penal system. The war on terror must be over, al Queada must have signed a peace treaty because otherwise those prisoners should stay right where they are until everybody they served with and under is dead or in custody.
Don't expect anything better out of the Times from now until the arrests and trials. Seditionist cowards on the run have always done anything to keep their miserable carcasses out of the prisons where they belong. We'll be seeing an ocean of ink spilled and a forest of trees felled before they are justifiably put away. With a bit of luck they'll be joined by a few of the leakers from the party which they serve.
ReplyDeleteI don't know if I would count on them getting their just rewards or not.
Howard Dean is calling for Cheney's resignation on the grounds that he leaked info and Al Gore is saying we picked on the Saudis. I am sad to say these people have no shame.
As long as folks like Dean and Gore can get away with making these outrageous comments I doubt very much that the NYT will feel any fear.
Yeah....How did Howie put it? Something like, "AAAAIIIIIIYEEEEEEEE!"
ReplyDeleteThe sniveling worm Sulzberger has already given an interview disclaiming knowledge of the content of the Risen piece. He's lying through his teeth but you can't expect the truth out of a coward. I don't believe that the DoJ can drop this one.
If the Dems want to run on sedition and treason, it's OK with me. They "get away" with it because of their propaganda organs but they don't get away with it with the voters. They continue to drive centrists right out of the party which leaves a whacko fringe able to carry increasingly meaningless urban areas.
It's as good a strategy as one might expect from Dean.
I waiting for all the subpeonas.
ReplyDeleteThe NSA leaker is a sacrificial pawn. His mental condition makes him an even better patsy than Joe Wilson.
I didn't mention Rockefeller by name but his staff is contemplating years of confinement and weighing it against the same "we're behind you all the way" promises made by a man whom they know will betray them more easily than he betrayed his country. When a staff member flips we can discuss the ranking Dem member of the Senate Intelligence Committee at length.
It's difficult to put a measure of certainty on it but I would not be surprised to see a loss of clearance (and committee seat) and a motion of censure in the Senate. What he did is far worse than Leaheys disclosure of the Egyptian agent - and that cost Leahey his clearance and his committee seat.
It's difficult to put a measure of certainty on it but I would not be surprised to see a loss of clearance (and committee seat) and a motion of censure in the Senate.
ReplyDeleteI'd certainly get behind that.
ReplyDeleteI think they believe they did the right thing. I don't agree with that, but then again I am not leaking info.
My fear is not just the press's behavior in this particular incident, it is rather the growing tendency to politicize national security.
Today it is the Democrats who are doing this, but if the administration does not get a handle on the leak leak leaking in Washington it could become acceptable behavior in general. And that would be very bad for everybody.
"I think they believe they did the right thing."
ReplyDeleteI disagree. There is a perfectly good statute and methodology to be used by honest "whistleblowers". They are fully protected and the statute permits classified information to be handled in secrecy.
This is an attempt to manipulate public opinion by resurrecting Nixon's ghost. Leave aside the absolute undeniable fact that Kennedy and Johnson (working with and through Hoover at the FBI) wiretapped more people than Nixon ever dreamed of, Nixon is the wiretapping boogeyman. Also leave aside the fact that the Clintons, whether illegally gathering FBI raw data files, siccing the IRS on opponents, immolating babies at Waco or sending a little boy whose mother was willing to die to reach freedom back to the dictator from whom she was tryung to escape have compromised the civil rights of more Americans than anyone since Hoover's death, Bush has to defend himself from the halfassed "appearance of impropriety" theories advanced by the MSM - all based upon political leaks of sensitive intelligence information.
There was nothing innocuous let alone noble about these leaks and the SOBs doing the leaking belong in prison.
There was nothing innocuous let alone noble about these leaks and the SOBs doing the leaking belong in prison.
ReplyDeleteYeah, but tell us how you really feel about it.